Lighting 4 Quantum Board Light build and Test

It just keeps getting better!

QB tent pic1 -6-22-2017.jpg
Hammer of the Gods bud pic1 -6-22-2017.jpg
Trainwreck bud pic1 -6-22-2017.jpg
I'm showing you the problems with an over-crowed tent, with too tall plants. I've no doubt I'll have a nice harvest, I'm also sure its not going to be 1/2 of what it could be. Other problems I'm seeing is light burn, lights are as high as they can go lol! And the fucking little terrorists of the gardening world......... spider mites! Plants have gotten a neem oil bath and Bonine
( soap and a bacteria that prevents insects from being able to digest food...... )
take that you little bastards! Next, I take down the lights and clean them. Then I'll go in the tent with the garden hose and wash the plants down, that will likely end the problem, it did in the greenhouse last year! If not, I'll do hose it down again if I see more mite return. Got a wet and dry vac and will suck up the water, then lots of fans blowing on the plants to dry them quickly.

Sounds extreme, but if you've ever had these horrid creatures, you'll understand!

Next time I do photo periods, it will be just one or! But its ok, we learn together!
HELL, not like you don't have a full plate already dealing with their size. Now mites, look forward to ya reaping a great harvest. Hopefully these headaches will seem like a distant dream when your sitting in front of a huge pile of juicy Buds pop.
Well its a learning curve and it doesn't bother me. I like to do things this way as it teaches both myself and others. And This light STOMPS any light I've used to date by a huge amount! Combined with the auto pots I had a feeling from the beginning 4 plants were too many, then the timer screw up adding 2 weeks more! BUT, I'm thrilled at knowing what I'm going to have for bud, and the popcorn will make enough oil for canna caps for months! Win Win! I've got a couple clones I'm turning into mother plants in case I decide to keep these strains around.

HELL, not like you don't have a full plate already dealing with their size. Now mites, look forward to ya reaping a great harvest. Hopefully these headaches will seem like a distant dream when your sitting in front of a huge pile of juicy Buds pop.
I emptied my other tent yesterday and moved one Trainwreck to it. This tent now only has three plants in it, can you tell???!

The Trainwreck I moved was the smallest plant in the tent.......

QB tent pic2 -6-26-2017.jpg
Trainwreck Mod420 tent pic1 -6-26-2017.jpg

wow pop that tent is really full!:drool: