Day 77
Daiquiri Lime

Day 66
Auto Xtreme


What do you guys and girls thinking ?
When should I start the magic 10 days flush before harvest on Lime, or maybe she's an 100+ lady

Sorry but I mess around the closeup pics
can't remember which are which

It is still peaceful if you go there, smoke som joint. Just don't take it home. Or you absolutely have to takemit home, at least hope the Police left the dog at home, and carry the stach in your underpants.
I thought it was legal there?

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Legal here.... No no no ;)
Not yet
And it will not be legal for a looong time. Scandinavian policies dictates that cannabis users necessarily become heavy users of hard drugs.

Day 77
Daiquiri Lime

Day 66
Auto Xtreme


What do you guys and girls thinking ?
When should I start the magic 10 days flush before harvest on Lime, or maybe she's an 100+ lady

Sorry but I mess around the closeup pics
can't remember which are which

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Just do as @HashMaster instructed med: when the main leaves start to deteriorate, start flush. When theyb are almost dead, start to become crispy and the smaller leaves (not the smallest sugarleaves) starts to yellow, soak in water, let the plant go for one more light cycle, the torture and kill her. I killd my first mature plant yesterday. 75 g wet weight! Next one goes tomorrow.
And it will not be legal for a looong time. Scandinavian policies dictates that cannabis users necessarily become heavy users of hard drugs.

Just do as @HashMaster instructed med: when the main leaves start to deteriorate, start flush. When theyb are almost dead, start to become crispy and the smaller leaves (not the smallest sugarleaves) starts to yellow, soak in water, let the plant go for one more light cycle, the torture and kill her. I killd my first mature plant yesterday. 75 g wet weight! Next one goes tomorrow.
But at Lime, the crystal still looks clear to me, I do not know if they change under flush days, minimum 10 days
Looking good man. I usually start the 10 days when all the trichs are milky with a small amount of amber. Just remember some plants don't amber up
@witchyhour right now:

Stor aktion på Christiania: Alle hashboder bliver fjernet i Pusherstreet
Københavns Politi er fredag i gang med fjerne alle hashboder i Pusher Street i Christiania.

KL. 13:17

Alle hashboder i Pusherstreet på Christiania bliver ryddet i stor politiaktion.

Det oplyser Københavns Politi.



Great action at Christiania: All hash stalls are removed in Pusher Street

Copenhagen Police's Friday started removing all hash stands in Pusher Street in Christiania.
KL. 13:17
By Kevin Ahrens Nielsen
All hash stands in Pusher Street in Christiania being cleared large police operation.
It informs the Copenhagen Police.
