New Grower 2x NL first grow

Starting to flower

Both plants are flowering now :)
Flush worked well for the weaker buddy and its gaining momentum.
Both strong and healthy, and the tent is full, amazing feeling!
Hey, week ~10, ~80days
I have trimmed them alot past few weeks. Ran out of room quite quickly, but they dont mind, they are box shaped and kindly allow eachother their personal space. Both plants have 30+ colas, should have gone for scrog but maybe next time :)





I hope pics quality doesnt make your eyes bleed, but its impossible to take good photos under that led.

Happy times
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All has been going good so far
~ on 12th week or so and few to go
Ive been rough on them, i have a brown bag full of dry fan leaves that i have been forced to cut off to make room for so many budsites. Also my rh is a bit high and getting slightly burnt tips on both plants. Too much nutes i guess, giving lower doses now.
The one that was legging behind is outgrowing the other.
But what worries me is these rusty spots appeared overnight on older plant main cola, only on that spot, rest of the garden looks amazingly healthy and strong [emoji123]


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What do you think? Im guessing lack of calmag.

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Hi FlowEst, your grow looks great. Well done! When I had issues like that it was PH related but it was early on in the grow. I would also guess at Calmag - but I'm not an expert by any means. Know LED can make it more hungry for it. Guess adding a bit of Calmag wont hurt any way - i double dosed by mistake 2 weeks ago when at 8 weeks in and it hasn't harmed them, got about a week to go now on my grow.

How far are your lights away - i had that cause similar issues on 1st LED grow as well, all got a bit crispy at the top end.
Hey, thanks for replying.
My light is currently at 13 inches from that burnt main cola and rest of the bunch is about 15-17 inches. Producer recommends 12-18. I think i will raise it just a little bit now.

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looking mighty fine :thumbsup:
tiny rust spots is usually cal/mag fixable.PH can also throw it out.