New Grower 2x NL first grow

Older one has 101 days now, yesterday was week 14 from seed.
And im afraid its gone bad.
It doesnt drink as much water as it used to, sugar leaves are turning yellow, fans are fine. And today to my big surprise the leaves are turning white, white like powdery mildew..
i was planning to cut it this coming weekend to make room for the other who was lagging behind but now has outgrown the other. Still has about a month to go.
Here’s a pic of the ‘white’ leaf, under led it looks way worse.

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Its crowded and my rh is 60%+
If its powdery mildew, should i cut it asap to save the other plant or too late anyway?

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from these pics all I see is a very gorgeous gal
good job grobro!
Thanks guys for reassuring replies. Much appreciated:)
They arent trichs but it hasnt gotten any worse, i will let it live for a little longer, starting flush period this week.
Ive been snapping test nugs off it and its really potent indica, really nice high and nothig beats smoking your own. :)
My biggest mistake so far is the missing ext. fan as i try to keep the budget low, but will get one soon.
And also, i suck at journaling, only remember the thread when i run into problems. Sorry, will add some harvest pics soon i hope :)

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