Lighting 2Stoned2Cares 200w diy cob grow+DP auto night queen


My Precious
Jan 7, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
DP Auto Orange bud
Hi fellow diy cobbers thought i would put this journal in the diy cob thread so people can see what these cobs can do instead of just saying these lights are awesome lets show you how awesome they really are.i could not be happier with my light(getting rid of the blurples has been the best thing i ever did) a massive thanks to @BigSm0 for all his dedication to the diy forum

My setup is as follows

Tent=50x100x180 lighthouse max
Light=200w diy citizen clu-48-1212s cobs 4000k
Fan/filter=rhino pro carbon filter,rhino single speed extraction fan,6inch desk fan
Heater=80w 2 foot tube heater
Medium=plagron light mix
Nutes=AN sensi bloom,density cal/mag pro,density bloom booster
Pots=1 pot 15ltr autopot system+airdome
Pumps=hdom 600l/h adjustable submersible water pump,hdom 324l/h adjustable air pump.

I wont bore you with early pics of my girl so here she is at day 30 and i could not be happier with her,she is the healthiest looking plant i have ever had

Day 30



Thanks for popping by :pass:
Looking nice and healthy! Are the pics taken while the lights are on BTW? This makes taking the pictures easy since you dont have to worry about the typical pink pics LOL

Yes bro with the lights on which makes taking pics a joy instead of before having to turn the blurples off and use the camera flash
Great looking plant! Did you have the light dimmed at the start, or was it on full whack?

I have had it full blast bro at 36inch/3ft but think i will dim it in the seedling stage next time as its so intense they dont need that much at the start.going to take a while to get the light height and intensity sorted for different stages
I have had it full blast bro at 36inch/3ft but think i will dim it in the seedling stage next time as its so intense they dont need that much at the start.going to take a while to get the light height and intensity sorted for different stages
ok, thanks. I think I'll start mine out drawing 100 watts and adjust upwards if neccessary.
Shit 2 stoned, sorry I'm late bro.

I am so excited to see this grow take off. Can already tell these are going to do great. Your light height is perfect too. The plants aren't stretching one bit and are sort and fat. No light stress either. That all means your at the exact right spot you should be. Are you going to lst that main branch when it gets to tall?