Indoor 2Stoned2Care Goes ORGANIC With Biotabs Starterkit

I pulling out the recliner... it's gonna block whole the front row :haha:

I've been curious about the tabs for a while.. but like u said hard to find documented grows

A lot of the "industry" seems to like and use them ..

Organic and easy to use .. seems ideal to me :pighug:

This one is a whole setup from biotabs. You take your soil and add a few amendments and then just plain water throughout the grow. It's really simple and works well.
My issues were not with the soil but I had some weird phenos but still grew pretty good.
This one is a whole setup from biotabs. You take your soil and add a few amendments and then just plain water throughout the grow. It's really simple and works well.
My issues were not with the soil but I had some weird phenos but still grew pretty good.

I saw, gave your tread a quick read through :thumbsup:

I'm pretty sure @2Stoned2Care is the right man for the job :eyebrows:

We have life in the mephisto stilton pot.i planted 2 and will pick the best one in a few days


Thanks for popping by :pass:
Subbed, I'm running tabs at the mo myself:

Best of luck 2Stoned, am sure won't be needed bro!

@dcat0921 , bro if tabs worked so well for you, what made you use other stuff?

I still use the tabs themselves on all my soil grows. The whole system I just did as a personal test to see how it would do.
Honestly after I got the kit I had several other methods I wanted to try out and then forgot I had it. That was during the time I was trying out several different methods so I jumped around a lot. My soil grows now are basically just fillers to keep my tents running - I do most of my stuff DWC these days so when I do grow soil I just use whatever is handy. I still have some of my biotab kit so maybe next time I'll use it again to see how it does.
Was nothing against the kit I just plain forgot i had it.
I still use the tabs themselves on all my soil grows. The whole system I just did as a personal test to see how it would do.
Honestly after I got the kit I had several other methods I wanted to try out and then forgot I had it. That was during the time I was trying out several different methods so I jumped around a lot. My soil grows now are basically just fillers to keep my tents running - I do most of my stuff DWC these days so when I do grow soil I just use whatever is handy. I still have some of my biotab kit so maybe next time I'll use it again to see how it does.
Was nothing against the kit I just plain forgot i had it.

Amazing, you just described exactly how my growing has evolved over the last year or so.... Only i still have my started pack unopened after more than a year.... Lol

Thanks for documenting this, it'll be a treat to follow :thumbsup:
Amazing, you just described exactly how my growing has evolved over the last year or so.... Only i still have my started pack unopened after more than a year.... Lol

Thanks for documenting this, it'll be a treat to follow :thumbsup:

Welcome corgy bro.i noticed there are not a lot of grows and reviews of the biotabs kits so thought i would document a grow using them just seems so simple