Grow Mediums 2Stoned2Care does DP BROOKLYN SUNRISE+Auto-pot

Was there a reason you chose this strain?


many pots do you have are you using just one tank?

Hi bro i chose brooklyn sunrise because i watched a grow by one of AFNs best auto growers @TaNg and it just looked the perfect plant for me i like the structure of dp strains 1 main cola and alot of other colas which is perfect for filling a small tent out with some lst and supercropping but never imagined she would get so big.i only have the 1 autopot and 1 tank perfect for 1 plant never did much for 4-5 days at a time i know now its all i need for 1 big plant in my 2x2 tent
Hi bro i chose brooklyn sunrise because i watched a grow by one of AFNs best auto growers @TaNg and it just looked the perfect plant for me i like the structure of dp strains 1 main cola and alot of other colas which is perfect for filling a small tent out with some lst and supercropping but never imagined she would get so big.i only have the 1 autopot and 1 tank perfect for 1 plant never did much for 4-5 days at a time i know now its all i need for 1 big plant in my 2x2 tent
Yeah tangs a master, what made you chose autopot? My local shop sells alien deep water system but all the pipes everywhere was worried about blockages and worried if I can't move the pots singly around my tent in say a 8 pot system I won't maxamise my space, what do you think I should do?
Thanks bro i am having a smoke of mine now because i trimmed a sneakly little bud 5 days ago :devil:it does not smell much on the outside but crack it open and omfg,and some strong fire aswell you are in for a treat my friend and not even cured yet,in all the years i have smoked with my misses she goes up to bed to watch tv about 8pm then stays up there till morning while i get wrecked downstairs watching films listening to music and chatting to you guys,but tonight for the first time ever she went up at 8pm came back down at 8.30pm and said fuck me thats some good shit :crying::crying::crying:

Haha awesome!! I am surprised to here about the minimal smell on your sunrise...mine stinks big time. Opening a jar for venting quickly fills the whole room with a sweet rotten fruit stink. Super strong and very appealing!!
Yeah tangs a master, what made you chose autopot? My local shop sells alien deep water system but all the pipes everywhere was worried about blockages and worried if I can't move the pots singly around my tent in say a 8 pot system I won't maxamise my space, what do you think I should do?
I chose the autopot because it seemed the most hassle free way to grow,because my first grow i hand watered and that was a pain doing it 5-6 times a day because i was using coco.with the autopot you hand water for about 3 weeks to get the roots down to the bottom then turn everything on and thats it a few refills and your done.go check out the autopot website they have a tool you can use to see how many autopots would fit in your space
Haha awesome!! I am surprised to here about the minimal smell on your sunrise...mine stinks big time. Opening a jar for venting quickly fills the whole room with a sweet rotten fruit stink. Super strong and very appealing!!
that was the only bud so she never went in a jar thats why she did not smell i would describe the smell as sweet rotten fruit with a hint of diesel :biggrin:
I chose the autopot because it seemed the most hassle free way to grow,because my first grow i hand watered and that was a pain doing it 5-6 times a day because i was using coco.with the autopot you hand water for about 3 weeks to get the roots down to the bottom then turn everything on and thats it a few refills and your done.go check out the autopot website they have a tool you can use to see how many autopots would fit in your space
what make is your system is there any down sides to it?
Drum roll please
so here we are people the day we all wait for but this has come earlier than expected because of the drying net and 85 degree temps it has only taken 3 days to dry but she absolutely stinks no dry grass/hay smell here my friends just sweet dankness :devil:and now without further ado the weight

z 92.jpg

z 93.jpg

So there we have it guys and gals 231g/8.1oz so i guess i have to run down my street naked with a big fat joint now :funny::laughcry::funny::laughcry:

Thanks for popping by :pass: