Dutch Passion 2Stoned2Care Does DP Auto Orange Bud

Forgot to tell you guys that i have not had any tobacco for 17 days :woohoo1:
i have tried for years to give up because we all know how bad smoke is for our body's,but i have tried everything but nothing worked untill i started vaping,it's a fucking miracle for me,i feel so much better after only 2 weeks i can taste things better(weed tastes awesome now in my big vape)my breathing is getting better and i generally feel a lot better,the stuff i have been coughing up from my poor lungs is insane,the only problem now is i have gone from a little e-cig vape to a big vape mod because i like direct to lung vaping and big clouds,my misses is so happy i have given up smoking and said we will save loads of money but this is an addictive hobby and can get very expensive with all the different mods and tanks and e-juice to choose from,i have had a little vape pen then a little box mod and today i receive a another bigger box mod with a better cloud chucking tank(can't wait)but as i said to my misses we have saved over 4 grand on buying weed and the best thing is i will probably live a lot longer now i don't smoke,hope i have not bored you to death with my ramblings but i am so proud of myself :woohoo1::woohoo::coffee:
Forgot to tell you guys that i have not had any tobacco for 17 days :woohoo1:
i have tried for years to give up because we all know how bad smoke is for our body's,but i have tried everything but nothing worked untill i started vaping,it's a fucking miracle for me,i feel so much better after only 2 weeks i can taste things better(weed tastes awesome now in my big vape)my breathing is getting better and i generally feel a lot better,the stuff i have been coughing up from my poor lungs is insane,the only problem now is i have gone from a little e-cig vape to a big vape mod because i like direct to lung vaping and big clouds,my misses is so happy i have given up smoking and said we will save loads of money but this is an addictive hobby and can get very expensive with all the different mods and tanks and e-juice to choose from,i have had a little vape pen then a little box mod and today i receive a another bigger box mod with a better cloud chucking tank(can't wait)but as i said to my misses we have saved over 4 grand on buying weed and the best thing is i will probably live a lot longer now i don't smoke,hope i have not bored you to death with my ramblings but i am so proud of myself :woohoo1::woohoo::coffee:
Man, that's really encouraging me, stopped tobacco 3 times in my life and always restarted ( i'm such an idiot )! I tried this year to stop again, but it's much harder this time, your report and others i know give me some hope to get it!
Forgot to tell you guys that i have not had any tobacco for 17 days :woohoo1:
i have tried for years to give up because we all know how bad smoke is for our body's,but i have tried everything but nothing worked untill i started vaping,it's a fucking miracle for me,i feel so much better after only 2 weeks i can taste things better(weed tastes awesome now in my big vape)my breathing is getting better and i generally feel a lot better,the stuff i have been coughing up from my poor lungs is insane,the only problem now is i have gone from a little e-cig vape to a big vape mod because i like direct to lung vaping and big clouds,my misses is so happy i have given up smoking and said we will save loads of money but this is an addictive hobby and can get very expensive with all the different mods and tanks and e-juice to choose from,i have had a little vape pen then a little box mod and today i receive a another bigger box mod with a better cloud chucking tank(can't wait)but as i said to my misses we have saved over 4 grand on buying weed and the best thing is i will probably live a lot longer now i don't smoke,hope i have not bored you to death with my ramblings but i am so proud of myself :woohoo1::woohoo::coffee:

This deserves a rep slap mate :d5::slap:. But just to clarify, you mean that you stopped smoking cigarettes, right? Not joints? I don't smoke cigarettes, but I consume my weed in joints and it's really starting to bother me, thinking about buying a decent vape and ditch tobacco completely :shrug:.
This deserves a rep slap mate :d5::slap:. But just to clarify, you mean that you stopped smoking cigarettes, right? Not joints? I don't smoke cigarettes, but I consume my weed in joints and it's really starting to bother me, thinking about buying a decent vape and ditch tobacco completely :shrug:.

i don't even have joints anymore bro,i just vape my weed,i have a great vaporizer for my weed that i fill a bag with and toke on that so no tabacco at all :thumbsup:
Is there a big difference in high with the vaporizer? Heard some stories that people can't get used to vaping weed after smoking it with tobacco for years :pass:.