New Grower 2nd Grow: LED, Soil, Bubba Kush, Jack Herer, Bruce Banner, BubbleGum

Only other thing I can think off is I have had some issues keeping my temps up during lights out as I really don't trust my ceramic heater but can't afford a new heater at this moment in time

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The water being used is tap but it sits for 24hours with air pump in it to remove chems. And water is pH down to around 6.6-6.8

Sohum soils don't recommend tap but that is all I can get, they say if you use tap then to let it sit (As I have been doing)

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That soil has done surprisingly well all things considered. The plant that you call stunted is quite dark green so that plant probably found more nitrogen in that soil than it wanted. You have some other plants that are getting some discoloration some rust colors between the veins on leaves that is typically calcium, it can be difficult to flower any cannabis plant if you don't have enough calcium which is usually paired with magnesium and nitrogen.

I imagine most soils will deplete by the time you reach the end of the grow and you would probably feed at the end of the grow, the exception would be trying to use very low nitrogen or no nitrogen nutrients on that one stunted plant. Although, at this point I don't believe that plant needs any nutrients.

if a tester should happen to come along they could recommend this company as a sponsor and maybe we could test that soil with multiple different growers and multiple different autoflowers.
That soil has done surprisingly well all things considered. The plant that you call stunted is quite dark green so that plant probably found more nitrogen in that soil than it wanted. You have some other plants that are getting some discoloration some rust colors between the veins on leaves that is typically calcium, it can be difficult to flower any cannabis plant if you don't have enough calcium which is usually paired with magnesium and nitrogen.

I imagine most soils will deplete by the time you reach the end of the grow and you would probably feed at the end of the grow, the exception would be trying to use very low nitrogen or no nitrogen nutrients on that one stunted plant. Although, at this point I don't believe that plant needs any nutrients.

if a tester should happen to come along they could recommend this company as a sponsor and maybe we could test that soil with multiple different growers and multiple different autoflowers.
Yea I do have some cal mag but as I say went with what the soil producers recommended. I maybe add some cal mag to my next feed, going to start bubbling some more water this evening, the stunted girl is supposed to be ready for harvest from day 55 she is at day 50 now

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Yea I do have some cal mag but as I say went with what the soil producers recommended. I maybe add some cal mag to my next feed, going to start bubbling some more water this evening, the stunted girl is supposed to be ready for harvest from day 55 she is at day 50 now

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You are still at least two weeks out on that stunted plant and perhaps three or more. Most growers will defoliate as they get close like that one stunted plant, removing a few leaves here and there to expose the flowers as much as possible to let them get as much light as possible.
Hey y'all. Some more exciting things in the tent today. The Bubba seems to have recovered from her topping. There are a bunch of shoots starting to grow up. I started LST on her today. Going to go slow, as she is still a little flimsy.

Also topped the Jack Herer. She is deff growing with some wierd growth things but is getting big. She has tons of growth off of all her nodes and this was before the topping. I am excited to see what she becomes.

I decided not to top the Bruce Banner. She is so short and bushy, think i want her to get as tall as possible. Not exactly how to handle her. The two plants I grew last time were Sativas. Any advice on how to train and deal with a short bushy plant would be helpful! Thanks :)

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Jack Herer before Top:
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Jack Herer after Top:
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View attachment 1038169

TIB! Lol

Nice looking run so far brother.

Dissenting from some of the current opinion - I am a big believer in topping, super-cropping, defoliation and tie-downs.

I have a grow that's at day 21-22 right now, 6 as well... Looks like we're running the same quantity, germed at the same time. I'm subbed.

Hop on over and compare. These girls have been topped (most twice), 4th node followed by a multi-node top (3-6 nodes topped per plant the second topping), and defoliated twice!

Back to your question - chop that fan down! <25 days, I want as much energy as possible going into sub and super-structure, not into leaf growth. It doesn't require substantial photosynthetic capability at this point. Lots of time to let her run course before heavy flowering needs.
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You are still at least two weeks out on that stunted plant and perhaps three or more. Most growers will defoliate as they get close like that one stunted plant, removing a few leaves here and there to expose the flowers as much as possible to let them get as much light as possible.
Yea I know she still has time, and aware breeders recommend the minimum time scale, she wont be harvest for two or three weeks yet, let what little bud she has "fatten up"

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Took some pics out of the tent light just now. She had gotten worse over past few days, at two points during that time heater went over board and got the tent very hot on two occasions but not for long.. Anyway here are the pics out of the light, as I say she has gone down hill over the last few days.


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@cosmicinfinities what kind of light are you using? How often are you watering? When you say the temp hikes up What temperature are we talking about?
Are those pot's sittin in water? Or do you have them sitting up on something so they can drain?:jointman:
Hey yall. Wanted to give a quick update on the tent! Things are going well. Starting to really feed the girls. Up to 1/2 nutrient regimen for the bubba and Bruce. I watered the bubba three days ago, a little less than a gallon of water. I watered the Bruce yesterday with a little less than a gallon. The Jack will get her watering either tomorrow or the next day. The bubblegums are still trailing behind. They have been growing really slow, not sure what's up. They look healthy, just stunted for some reason. I watered the bubble gum 1 with 1 liter of water yesterday, no nutrients were added though.

The bubba kush is enjoying her lst. I tied her two tallest tops to two big fans leaves to try and keep them down a bit while the others rise up. Looks like I will have 4 really good tops with maybe a few stragglers(hoping I can can these two others to get to the top of the canopy before the stretch) She also started showing her sex!!

The Bruce is looking great. Extremely bushy and dense. I have been ponytailing her for about 3 hours a days. Not sure if I could/should up this time. Or stop ponytailing? Thoughts would be helpful!

The Jack is still growing with wierd leaf things. I'm not too worried about her though, as her growth has been great. She has recovered well from the topping I gave her a few days ago. Looks like there will be 6 really good tops. I kinda began lst on her yesterday, but am going to give her another day or two to let her tops grow in a bit more before really strangling her.







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