New Grower 250W HPS - Auto Bomb by Bomb seeds, Pineapple Express Auto by barney's farm

  • Thread starter Thread starter Budman
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Sup bud man. Sounds like were working with the same sort of equipment friend.
Ive grown pineapple express auto before and i red the horror storys to. The way i look at it is this. There are thousands of ppl writting there points of view which are all valid but untill you try yourself you never no.
Example. I brought pandora auto then red it dont auto flower. Mine did, then i got some smurf berry, red the same about them 2, all flowered fine, and now im reading storys about navaria seeds and there bubbalisous which i got on the go,from saying they dont germ,hermys,, blaa blaa blaa. All 4have shot out there pistols, like you my sucsess rate in germing is high. i pop mine in tap water iver night till i see little white tounges popping out the shells. then in a paper towel over night. wrapp it in a tshirt then pop it ontop of my modem for a day and keep it moist, few days later your have tapping roots.
Plan a week where you dont have much in when you hit that pineapple. was a great smoke
hey brother, thats super that we have the same equipment. and thanks for them extra tips on the germination.
how would you say the best water temp for the first initial soak or does it matter?
do you have a diary atall on your grows?

i have been really busy lately so havent had chance to make an update i will be doing so first thing in the morn.
