hey people time for a quick update on the meds.
will be week 3 flower for the gnomo, seems the flush done it the world of good thanks for the advise on that.
wasnt sure about wich nutes to give her so went ahead with 1ml/litre veg nutes (from a small garden centre)
didnt see any change in the leaves so guess it wasnt a bad idea? and veiws on the veg nutes?
the bomb is 8 days old and has started her vegetive stage. showing the growth tips of her 3rd set of true leaves. also had her first
watering today (not counting the misting of leaves and soil in days 1-4)
the NLB is 3 days old today. very small lady. had a slight problem with the seed casing clamping and sticking the embrionic leaves together when she first popped her head. i noticed the struggle, done a quick search on line and decided on the tweaser method i was very gentle removing the casing to relieve the tiny true leaves stuck between.
not careful enough it seems as one of the embrionic leaves broke off. this clearly didnt kill her but i think it has some what slowed growth a fair bit. will she still go on to survive?
the pineapple express didnt pop in the end. i got fed up yesterday dug her up. found a dead seed full of goo.
pssssssd! to say the least man!
on the bright side i have added two different strains to the room the first one goes by the name of 'Auto Wembley (pyramid seeds)'
and the second is a 'Auto Anubis (pyramid seeds)
both cracked in the tissue after 12 hours and are both in cups (with no bottom) in more cups with soil and clear film over the tops.
has anyone had any experience with these autos? or any of the strains i have?
-taste, smell
any 'personal' smoke/grow reports would be cool
also i will get some pic updates in here tomorrow!