New Grower 250W HPS - Auto Bomb by Bomb seeds, Pineapple Express Auto by barney's farm

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To name 2 mistakes
1. all mix is to hot for most seedlings (start with a jiffy puck or seedling compost)
2. you need grow or fish mix to go with bloom and in most cases epson salts as well
I agree, the Biobizz All mix can be a bit too hot for seedlings. Their Light Mix seems to work best for seedlings, then the All Mix after they sex. The Light Mix can be used throughout but it's what is considered a soil less mix. If using it throughout the whole grow then you would need to supply all the nutrients the plant needs. With the All Mix, the nutrients in the soil will feed the plants and you'll probably only need to occasionally supplement them.

Regarding your pH, it must have been very high right out of the bag. I would do as Mossy recommended. If that doesn't bring it back down, they add some sulfur. The high pH is probably what has stunted your plant.
thanks agito and muddy.

i will use the light mix in the future, i very nealy chose the light mix over the all mix but i ended up going with my own logic that the warmth from the allmix would be good for the seedling (common mistake i hope) lol
thats good to know for next time though. il probably go for the jiffy pucks for now as they are fairly cheap :)

cheers guys. much appriciated :)
will post pic tommorrow as promiced.

HELLO AFN!! its a beautiful day, im high and im looking forward to getting my camera today.
i will post a proper update with pics (once ive worked out how) later on today

peace and boodwah to all
well the camera is playing havock with me i will sort it tonight or tommorrow first thing. thought i may aswell update for you guys anyway :thumbs:

the bomb wich rose above ground a few days ago has hardley changed. seems to be growing upwards, and turning in the soil very slowly but still only has the first set of true leaves. is this normal? i notice the twisting as i checked it multiple times in a day and noticed the tiny peice of shell on one of the embrionic leaves changing its position with the pot kept in the same place. now i have put her straight under the 250w dual spectrum hps. its all i have for now.

the pineapple seed has been put in the all mix soil with cling film over her and so has the northern light blue

and the poorly gnomo has had her first flush today about 5 hours ago from now and has responded well.
i used 4 litres of ph 6.3 water and the last little bit of run off from the soil read 6.6 im fairly happy with that and sounds alot more managable than the extremes i was having before. would you agree?
i did sprinkle a 2 inch layer of' boibizz all mix' over the gnomos 'multi purpose' soil in hope that the small amount of perlite will help bring the ph down. definatly didnt seem to do any harm.

i do have some deficiancies (crazy word) on the gnomos leaves. the leaves are looking pale green and a few have brown spots on.
i guess there must of been a lock out due to the high ph in the soil before now. will plain ph'd water sort the deficiancy or will i need to add some nutes?

cheers guys

few pictures of the gnomo auto

heres a few pics of the poorly IMG_0004.jpg
. she is looking better than she did before the flush. il upload pics of the bomb a bit later.

as you can see shes very short, living up to her name at least LOL. i hope she grows a bit more.

heres the defficiancy on the leaves. sorry about the poor quality

and finally a birdseye pic. the new leaves seem to be growing healthy and not promoting the light green look like the lower infected leaves.

let me know what you think guys. baring in mind the trauma this babe has been through..

peace budman:pimp:
Yep, that looks like a classic pH related deficiency. Glad the flush brought the pH back down some. Keep an eye on them the next few days while they dry out and if all looks good, I would go ahead and give them a light feeding when they dry out.
:bong:yer man thanks. its good to have some help with bits like that.
i only have boi-bizz bloom
a vegetable fertelizer from a garden centre npk 19-19-19
wich i was going to use if veg nutes were needed.
and the black strap mollasses.

should i go straight onto bloom and molasses?

cheers man

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hey people time for a quick update on the meds.

will be week 3 flower for the gnomo, seems the flush done it the world of good thanks for the advise on that.
wasnt sure about wich nutes to give her so went ahead with 1ml/litre veg nutes (from a small garden centre)
didnt see any change in the leaves so guess it wasnt a bad idea? and veiws on the veg nutes?

the bomb is 8 days old and has started her vegetive stage. showing the growth tips of her 3rd set of true leaves. also had her first
watering today (not counting the misting of leaves and soil in days 1-4)

the NLB is 3 days old today. very small lady. had a slight problem with the seed casing clamping and sticking the embrionic leaves together when she first popped her head. i noticed the struggle, done a quick search on line and decided on the tweaser method i was very gentle removing the casing to relieve the tiny true leaves stuck between.
not careful enough it seems as one of the embrionic leaves broke off. this clearly didnt kill her but i think it has some what slowed growth a fair bit. will she still go on to survive?

the pineapple express didnt pop in the end. i got fed up yesterday dug her up. found a dead seed full of goo.:drool:
pssssssd! to say the least man!

on the bright side i have added two different strains to the room the first one goes by the name of 'Auto Wembley (pyramid seeds)'
and the second is a 'Auto Anubis (pyramid seeds)
both cracked in the tissue after 12 hours and are both in cups (with no bottom) in more cups with soil and clear film over the tops.

has anyone had any experience with these autos? or any of the strains i have?

-taste, smell

any 'personal' smoke/grow reports would be cool

also i will get some pic updates in here tomorrow!

peace :bong:
Heya Budman, nice grow.
I've grown out 4 Gnomos, final two on the go at the moment. Its a pretty resilient plant, let it dry out a good 2 inches down before watering, not nutrient sensitive and responds really well to LST - really bumps the yield. I've uploaded a few pics of them in an album. I got 37g dry from my last one, though it took 77 days.
Smoke is not good fro sleeping, its a bit psychoactive as Kannabia says. Great smell and taste, regardless of the pheno- I've found 2.

Any questions on that strain, just ask!