All sent mate.. Cheers for the opportunityhere we go folks if your on the list send your address etc to @Seedstockers-Mark in a pm and he will start shipping seeds
also @Cultivators if anyone else wants to grow a solo for a chance to win a prize can you let me know please sadly no USA postage and Mark says he's real sorry about that
no 1 @St. Tom
no 2 @Trichome farmer
no 4 @hope2grow
no 5 @The Mugwamp
no6 @RustyStarbuck72
no 7 @niceneasy
no 8 @4d-Rock
No9 @EP3
no10 @Bmurrciless
no 11 @The^Dude
no12 @Steviestash
no 13 @Nelly Nugs
no 14 @smokeyfromau
No 15 @Dell boy
No16 @Harukisan
no17 @THE BEAR