Outdoor *2021 Outdoor Comp' Pic Depot for the Polls*

@MasonJarOG , Diesel cookies sounds about tasty!
If no one has requested it, I’d try that one. @Waira, maybe split the prize between winners with 1st place people receiving 2 of mason jars offerings…? Or extra 2 packs to runner ups? I know if I was a runner up and someone said I won some seeds I would be excited! Just an idea…
Hey y'all I'm getting caught up in here after a long week at the shop working 12 hour days. Congrats to @MasonJarOG and @Jpkindbud for 1st n 2nd place in the auto flowers and to @Kyote and @420Forever for 1st n 3rd in the photoperiods! It was definitely another excellent year to be an outdoor grower this year n everyone who participated did a great job making this a fun n relaxed battle to participate in! Winners can PM me n we can get your prizes picked out n get them on there way to Yas. Thanks again to everyone who makes this possible n for those who took there the to cast votes!
And just gotta say this... @Jean-O is really the OD grower of the year imo.... great variety, beautifully maintained soil and plants, as well as breeding.
Can see the love in what Jean-O does. :worship: Me hat is off to ya Jean-O.. i see ya and am sure many others do as well :toke:
Thanks a bunch I appreciate the kind words. I definitely love being outside in my garden growing everything from fruit and veggies to bud.
Thanks @Waira - the MMXX and Snow G look like good candidates for here next summer. :thumbsup:

The Magic Cookies from @MasonJarOG sounds good, yet there is the shipping again. So if that is doable, cool, and if not, that is cool as well.

Same goes for @Jean-O. Kinda hoping Jean-O has a FV this year. I think he was working on one? :shrug:

I did actually make some FV crosses this year. I crossed all the photo girls with The Duke and or VooDoo auto pollen this year on tagged branches. They are feminized crosses but being an outdoor breeding run I can't guarantee that no rouge pollen from something else got into the mix. I did however tag the branches I pollinated this year after what I learned last year and am only collecting seeds from target branches which should help decrease that possibility. I'll definitely be running some of these next season outdoor!
Thanks @Waira - the MMXX and Snow G look like good candidates for here next summer. :thumbsup:

The Magic Cookies from @MasonJarOG sounds good, yet there is the shipping again. So if that is doable, cool, and if not, that is cool as well.

Same goes for @Jean-O. Kinda hoping Jean-O has a FV this year. I think he was working on one? :shrug:

Noted! I guess the Roc stuff will come down to first call, first gets... I put it out there for days now, so let the scrum begin! :rofl:
We have discussed 1-2 others for you to try as well mate, I'll get with you in PM about them. T20M does breed for mold resistance as well, so there's good news!
And just gotta say this... @Jean-O is really the OD grower of the year imo.... great variety, beautifully maintained soil and plants, as well as breeding.
Can see the love in what Jean-O does. :worship: Me hat is off to ya Jean-O.. i see ya and am sure many others do as well :toke:
I'm with you mate, Jean CRUSHED it this year, auto's and photo's!
I've warned all before, the Polls come down to a beauty contest, and that the pics are what the perv's are perv'in' on so they best be good as you can make'm :pimp::haha: ... this year your donkey dong buds caught their eyes!
I'm waiting to hear from Adam about shipping to you, so stand by on that...
@Waira Surprise me :bump: You have my details:worship:
Chat in PM with Adam and Jean, and I'll get with you as well like Kyote about possible FV's/custom crosses you may want to try that I was gifted some of...
@MasonJarOG , Diesel cookies sounds about tasty!
If no one has requested it, I’d try that one. @Waira, maybe split the prize between winners with 1st place people receiving 2 of mason jars offerings…? Or extra 2 packs to runner ups? I know if I was a runner up and someone said I won some seeds I would be excited! Just an idea…
Also noted on the DC's - :thumbsup:
We'll see how stuff shakes out on the Roc' and single pack of Cali Orange, and runners-up... Mystery mixes maybe be the ticket unless others want to gamble a bit. I'm thinking such mixes are very likely just prime stuff that got spilled or something, and can't be reliably accounted for anymore...

>>> I'm super happy with the prize pot though! Both companies offer auto's and photo's, outdoor proven as well-:greenthumb:Nice to have options!

I did actually make some FV crosses this year. I crossed all the photo girls with The Duke and or VooDoo auto pollen this year on tagged branches. They are feminized crosses but being an outdoor breeding run I can't guarantee that no rouge pollen from something else got into the mix. I did however tag the branches I pollinated this year after what I learned last year and am only collecting seeds from target branches which should help decrease that possibility. I'll definitely be running some of these next season outdoor!
:pighug: Jean, thanks again for offering up prize beans! :bow: ... @Twenty20 Adam you too as well my man, it's very much appreciated!

The FV crosses of the Ethos girls should be winners, and some potentially very interesting results...:eyebrows:

I'll get with you in PM, and we'll talk more shop about things we discussed, but can be dealt with after the Holidays and you've had a chance to catch your breath :jointman: ..... Meantime, have a look at the T20M stuff, great genetics there in both auto's and photo's!
I'm with you mate, Jean CRUSHED it this year, auto's and photo's!
I've warned all before, the Polls come down to a beauty contest, and that the pics are what the perv's are perv'in' on so they best be good as you can make'm :pimp::haha: ... this year your donkey dong buds caught their eyes!
I'm waiting to hear from Adam about shipping to you, so stand by on that...

Adam said no problem to ship to me so he's got me addy. :thumbsup:
Noted! I guess the Roc stuff will come down to first call, first gets... I put it out there for days now, so let the scrum begin! :rofl:
We have discussed 1-2 others for you to try as well mate, I'll get with you in PM about them. T20M does breed for mold resistance as well, so there's good news!

I'm with you mate, Jean CRUSHED it this year, auto's and photo's!
I've warned all before, the Polls come down to a beauty contest, and that the pics are what the perv's are perv'in' on so they best be good as you can make'm :pimp::haha: ... this year your donkey dong buds caught their eyes!
I'm waiting to hear from Adam about shipping to you, so stand by on that...

Chat in PM with Adam and Jean, and I'll get with you as well like Kyote about possible FV's/custom crosses you may want to try that I was gifted some of...

Also noted on the DC's - :thumbsup:
We'll see how stuff shakes out on the Roc' and single pack of Cali Orange, and runners-up... Mystery mixes maybe be the ticket unless others want to gamble a bit. I'm thinking such mixes are very likely just prime stuff that got spilled or something, and can't be reliably accounted for anymore...

>>> I'm super happy with the prize pot though! Both companies offer auto's and photo's, outdoor proven as well-:greenthumb:Nice to have options!

:pighug: Jean, thanks again for offering up prize beans! :bow: ... @Twenty20 Adam you too as well my man, it's very much appreciated!

The FV crosses of the Ethos girls should be winners, and some potentially very interesting results...:eyebrows:

I'll get with you in PM, and we'll talk more shop about things we discussed, but can be dealt with after the Holidays and you've had a chance to catch your breath :jointman: ..... Meantime, have a look at the T20M stuff, great genetics there in both auto's and photo's!
Right on! Thanks again for running this amazingly fun contest.