Outdoor 2019 mid Michigan Growtogrow outside

I was just guessing how big I dug the hole before I added my soil, I didn't use a pot. Looks like 25 gallon works pretty good. My thinking is they can't borrow threw the pot to get to the stem. They eat right threw the stalk at ground level or just below and thats all they eat.
You know what I use is those 55 gallon plastic drums and I'll cut those in half and I cut a bunch of drain holes in the very bottom of it.... nothing can borrow through that plastic that lives in the ground between 0 and the bottom of the Barrel there's not a whole lot of things that are cruise around below 6 or 7 in anyways so if you got that Barrel in the ground with a couple inches above the ground you got plenty of dirt in there to do the job and nothing's going to get through it unless it can crawl up and over the side.
If you don't have access to plastic barrels like that then you could use plastic totes just get the big ones drill holes in it put in the ground do the same job.
Hey Trail thanks man appreciate it[emoji482]
I see you're having your own bit of work up there and your top of the world grow. LOL
you're really doing it to it up there with all that light you got those plants are growing crazy you and jraven.... man you guys can really grow some shit quick[emoji269][emoji269][emoji269][emoji269] I love that.[emoji106][emoji482]
quick being key, autos all the way for me
I'm noticing, speaking of barrels, that rain water is excellent for the plants. I've got very hard water, 276 foot well that measures in the high 7s, sometimes 8. This has been a weirdly good year for rain water, I'm trying to decide what to do to store it longer. Guess I need to be on the lookout for blue barrels. For the winter grow I'm collecting snow. I know it's not absolutely necessary but man they respond so much better to rain ph, and the nutes work so much better with more neutral water. I like the burying idea, too many pests here that burrow, including cutworms, my arch-nemesis. Thanks for getting me thinking!
I'm noticing, speaking of barrels, that rain water is excellent for the plants. I've got very hard water, 276 foot well that measures in the high 7s, sometimes 8. This has been a weirdly good year for rain water, I'm trying to decide what to do to store it longer. Guess I need to be on the lookout for blue barrels. For the winter grow I'm collecting snow. I know it's not absolutely necessary but man they respond so much better to rain ph, and the nutes work so much better with more neutral water. I like the burying idea, too many pests here that burrow, including cutworms, my arch-nemesis. Thanks for getting me thinking!
Natural spring water my friend ! Anywhere around you got one ? My well feeds from a natural spring n my ph is always 6.5 6.7 always even if I neut it it's in that range but usually I just add molasses!
You know what I use is those 55 gallon plastic drums and I'll cut those in half and I cut a bunch of drain holes in the very bottom of it.... nothing can borrow through that plastic that lives in the ground between 0 and the bottom of the Barrel there's not a whole lot of things that are cruise around below 6 or 7 in anyways so if you got that Barrel in the ground with a couple inches above the ground you got plenty of dirt in there to do the job and nothing's going to get through it unless it can crawl up and over the side.
If you don't have access to plastic barrels like that then you could use plastic totes just get the big ones drill holes in it put in the ground do the same job.
Your outdoor is so cool bud ! It's like when indoor meets outdoor! Very interesting for sure.
I'm noticing, speaking of barrels, that rain water is excellent for the plants. I've got very hard water, 276 foot well that measures in the high 7s, sometimes 8. This has been a weirdly good year for rain water, I'm trying to decide what to do to store it longer. Guess I need to be on the lookout for blue barrels. For the winter grow I'm collecting snow. I know it's not absolutely necessary but man they respond so much better to rain ph, and the nutes work so much better with more neutral water. I like the burying idea, too many pests here that burrow, including cutworms, my arch-nemesis. Thanks for getting me thinking!
Yes rain water..
This is last years rain collection system.
This year I have 4 barrels and a in the barrel water pump. Now I can water in a few minutes and run the soak hose too
Your outdoor is so cool bud ! It's like when indoor meets outdoor! Very interesting for sure.
Thanks man[emoji482]
Ha ha... yeah That's what it is.
I treat the plants the same way.
Inside or out.. Super cropping, LST, EST, scrog net,. Maybe next I'll try the sea of green.
I've kind of have it going.. a little bit with the 2nd crops 4 big plant's in the small cage. The canopy is about level from South to North. The only thing...is the plants are all different.

Left to right
Incredible bulk
Afghan skunk
Blueberry cookies
Big bud
These plant's got away from me.
I've been working with them daily for a little bit .. Pulling them down every day sometimes twice a day. They keep growing faster than I can keep up with right now with all the trimming.[emoji12][emoji21][emoji482]
Bagged the final Dinafem seeds Ocean Grown cookies[emoji106]

So got 203 grams of quality AAA bud out of this plant.

The Cure is Young yet and so the final flavors not known right now.
But it's earthy a little bit on the harsh side yet maybe even to say greener. But the overall flavor profile at this points not bad it's certainly not a real strong one. Maybe that's because it's called Ocean Grown ? [emoji109] it does seem Lite n Airy kind of flavor right now hard to describe. I might even say it's flavorless.

The effects are okay. It seems to be a laid-back Buzz maybe leaning towards Indica a little bit. Yeah I'm definitely feeling a good I don't care about anything feeling lol.[emoji106][emoji482]
Put some of the dragon blood away today... bagged it got a little over half pound so far.
still got more to finish drying before I can jar it all.

It was an okay plant. I don't think I'll run it again the buds are a little Airy and only the buds that were on the very top and ends of the branches seem to get dank the rest did not. That might suggest that it needs much more time then what the breeder even thinks that it might need...?

So I Sun-dried some of it.
A pic of the sun dried and the regular hung dry side by side. Y'all can see the colors difference at least.

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