Live Stoners 2018 Site Improvements and Suggestions

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Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys I wanted to start a thread for site improvements and suggestions for 2018. It's the feedback from the community that helps us make decisions going forward and it's that's feedback we're going to use for our gameplan.

We do have pretty exciting things in the work, the new server for AFN (hardware) has arrived and being setup, giving us a very nice (and needed) boost in hardware performance. We're expanding our storage solutions and hope to actually increase the amount of media storage available and potentially even allow higher resolution/larger image files too.

I'll start off the first suggestion, navigation. The site is a beast to trawl around. Improving navigation and flow to information is going to be a key thing for me this year.

Simply put, what do you like? What keeps you here?
What turns you off? What don't you like?
What would you like to see to keep you staying here?

You're more than welcome to post up in here or you can PM me directly if youd' rather not have those concerns aired publicly.

Appreciated and let's make 2018 the best year for AFN that we can!
Site is lagging on my computer. I already open thread months ago. Only that forum, trouble is not pictures or bandwidth. Seems like some scripts or what.
Also I must click 5 times on "post reply" or "quote" button sometimes.
The home page looks outdated and old - I see it uses wordpress :eek1:, so there are a LOT of good, free themes out there that look a lot more modern.
Since the landing page gives people their first impression, I think that should be a priority.
Make the Forum links more prominent on the home page instead of a dropdown under 'community discussion'
I think some content on the main site itself would be good.
Have some members of the test team (or community volunteers) write full, in-depth reviews of some of the products people here use - tents, lights, strains, nutes etc (and include links to Grow Journals using those items when relevant) and include intro pictures in those articles on the front page instead of just a block of text.
The 'Commercial Services' on the homepage doesn't actually GO anywhere other than an article with zero links on HOW to actually use the commercial services (possible income loss right there).
The 1080 pixel width of the main content is not overly well thought out. The large sidebar on the right takes up a significant portion of that width, and you are then trying to squeeze 3 columns into the remainder for the Article intros.
AFN Merchandise store.
Also, get the media gallery fixed. It is all over the place, so I didn't even bother using it. I use this site to upload my images to imgur anonymously instead:
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Hi @Son of Hobbes
I talked to Mossy time before. My mostly liked part the breeding area need a clean up. Some threads have to be moved to the fem section.

I also would like to see a media wiki , it's a great tool for the new growers. We can put Tutorial there and some descriptions.
We can translate the wiki in different languages.

Then a autoflower strain base is a great thing. I know seedfinder but I think our own base would be great.

As a small private breeder a own afn shopsystem would also be great, I know there are much private Breeders around here who want to offer their work but don't want a own shop. We can see it as a support for the forum.
I for myself don't want to earn money for my seeds , I like it to see other people enjoy them. All money could be used for our afn family home.

This are only a few ideas, you can pm me if you need help or want to discuss some things private.

Have a nice day, send you the afn vibe my friend.

cu tobe
Maybe have a video tutorial thread and one major gripe the sideways picture issue when I upload pics I have to make sure every pic I take is in landscape mode as loads of times I've got killer shots of my plants and can't use them.. Also the vibes strong on here it's a great place to be a part of :frog:
I just re-read my post and it came across as a tad abrupt. Not the intention :doh:
I just re-read my post and it came across as a tad abrupt. Not the intention :doh:

I didn't take it that way at all, I took it as pure gold. The stuff we need to know. I mean hey it feels great getting high fives and pats on the back, but let's build a better ship knowing more people want to get on the boat! :pighug::vibe:
I really like the types of forums and sections we have available. I would agree navigation is a pain sometimes. I have had troubles finding info or threads because of this. Would love to see this site with a modern look and functionality. I would love to see the Cannazone section busted into smaller sections inside the cannazone area (Exp) seed vendors and seed testing , grow light vendors and light testing and so on. This would make finding exactly what you want even easier. Especially for those not familiar with the site and may just be here looking for reviews of products they are interested in. I really like the most recent reviews at the top of the forums section. The ability to see these is extremely useful when you might other wise miss a product review you would be interested in.
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