200day auto vs 90day

Whats better, a 90day auto that yields 4-6 oz or a 200day that can pull pounds.

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I say give the man a badge. He didn't use 12/12 lighting. I've never heard of someone saying I grow photo periods under 18 hours of light. yes, the breed may not be stable but does it change the fact that the plant itself was not grown under photoperiod circumstances. Now every person on this forum can agree autos grow and flower under 18 hours of light. Don't see why how many days is a factor. It automatically flowered.ive never read an autoflower manual stating in order to be an autoflower it has to start flowering before week such and such. Just giving my opinion folks that's it.
shit, ur askin me-?? lol :rofl: if we still had rep pointz, i'd def toss ya 100 real quick, cuz that'z jus too funnee :biggrin: but seriously, hell if i know, lol...could be the proverbial million diff reasonz...half of which most likely have to do with operator error :rolleyes2: :coffee: ppp
Seems like it is environmental to me. They are not accepting photosynthesis and growing correctly. But could just be a weird plant.
200 days was the reason I said what I said.
Okay I just googled it and it was dropped in August somewhere between the 10 to the Sept. 1 so I'm somewhere around 160-170 days actually. Sorry my bad just feels like forever and a day. I'm seriously so tired of looking at it. Now it's blocking my double grape so I may throw her in the dark for a few days and chop.
Might also add that anytime I've run an auto in bigger pots they take longer also and this is 15g of happy frog amended with wood ash.