200day auto vs 90day

Whats better, a 90day auto that yields 4-6 oz or a 200day that can pull pounds.

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So I got a male that showed sex in 3 weeks under 18/6 lighting. I put him outside under same lighting schedule and waited for pollen. I then crossed that pollen with a mephisto jammy dodgers and dropped two of those. One was a male that sexed early and the other was the plant in question.
.. funny, that seems to be a trend, unconfirmed though.. I had some of Stone's early work, F2's, and the girls weren't auto's (but fast bloomers) and the males were all auto's...:shrug: With this cross, I think all possibilities are on the table, I just can't put a % likelihood to any of them.... Tobe is a breeder of fine skills, he may know more - :thumbsup:
.... My thinking with this particular early F-generation auto/photo mix, I'd be hesitant to call this a true "fully auto" strain in the first place, granted it's showing the flowering under this light sched', and the given male auto parent... Another filial generation deep, and it'd be a solid claim, IMO at least.. I'd like @tobe input on this though... problem is, we have no way to empirically confirm this is true-blue auto, and not one of those in-betweeners :rofl:
If you had something like one of DP's known monster fully auto strains that was producing this weight, I'd be more comfortable with such a claim,... many of those go 3 months+ though!
..... Sorry LazyNHazey, not at all a hack at you, but with the apparent (time and genetic) advantage of this mixed heritage, braggin' rights may come with an asterisk *....

I read this is that a thumbs up or down to award a 2 LB. Auto badge?
I dunno MoG, as per above.... I won't protest in any case!
.. funny, that seems to be a trend, unconfirmed though.. I had some of Stone's early work, F2's, and the girls weren't auto's (but fast bloomers) and the males were all auto's...:shrug: With this cross, I think all possibilities are on the table, I just can't put a % likelihood to any of them.... Tobe is a breeder of fine skills, he may know more - :thumbsup:
.... My thinking with this particular early F-generation auto/photo mix, I'd be hesitant to call this a true "fully auto" strain in the first place, granted it's showing the flowering under this light sched', and the given male auto parent... Another filial generation deep, and it'd be a solid claim, IMO at least.. I'd like @tobe input on this though... problem is, we have no way to empirically confirm this is true-blue auto, and not one of those in-betweeners :rofl:
If you had something like one of DP's known monster fully auto strains that was producing this weight, I'd be more comfortable with such a claim,... many of those go 3 months+ though!
..... Sorry LazyNHazey, not at all a hack at you, but with the apparent (time and genetic) advantage of this mixed heritage, braggin' rights may come with an asterisk *....

I dunno MoG, as per above.... I won't protest in any case!
Im not worried about it! Sorry for bothering anyone, guess I'll run 50 under 24hrs then show it does the same. But I thought if I took an auto male and crossed with an already full auto that would make an auto... But I guess I'm wrong. But if any checks post you can see she started flowering early on and just stretched for days before packing on weight.
(ok, me still in the autosafe zone @ 167d then :whew: clutchez trophy tightly...catch me if u caaaan! :muahaha: :jointman: ppp)
Good grief that is too long I am harvesting my photos at 90 days.
:smoking:To your credit, you may be right mate! And it's very good that you bring this up, it's a valid question behind the purpose of this thread... We just can't really tell, mostly because of the mixed heritage and early F gen. that this cross is,... stability, consistency down the road is about the only benchmark we have currently... And as always, how genes express (not just "have them") is always in play, and outside factors like environment have definite influencing roles...
Even then, we see throwback's in fully auto' lines on occasion, even from reputable breeders, but more often from dicey ones half baking shit to get out to market ASAP and cash in! :finger: It's the bane of the market these days,... I stay out of social media generally, but those staff that do tell tales of a place rife with lousy genetics, ripped off, wholesale resells under the "breeders" name, all the crap you can imagine... I see it when they come into Sick Bay (and elsewhere) with fucked plants, anomalous behavior, etc.,...
:yeahthat: :rofl: -- case in point! .... 420' you gellie, it's your fault she's late - :rolleyes1: :haha: ..... I know, I know--- :backside:brown eye winkin' and all that... :smokeout:
:rofl: meh, it was what it was, lol :shrug: now i've got an auto kush at 105d, but hopin it won't go past 120, lol :rolleyes2: ppp
Why are they going so long?
Why are they going so long?

shit, ur askin me-?? lol :rofl: if we still had rep pointz, i'd def toss ya 100 real quick, cuz that'z jus too funnee :biggrin: but seriously, hell if i know, lol...could be the proverbial million diff reasonz...half of which most likely have to do with operator error :rolleyes2: :coffee: ppp