Day 46 Sour60XPinkBUD!
I HATE SMALL POTS!! For the life of me i have no idea why i decided to go with small pots! I always end up feeding to late and deficiencies kick in really fast! No matter what i do i cant seem to get small pots dialed in, for future grows, im doing 1 gallon or bigger, no more .5 gallon!
Here are the 4 moms i pollinated, i WASNT careful with pollen so im gonna have hundreds and hundreds of seeds....These look like they have potetial to be HEAVY PRODUCERS!! 6 plants under only a single 150watt HPS, imagine these under a 400 or 600!
Had to bend the big sativa momma over! Too tall! Loving how big she got in such a small pot!!
^^^Seeded sativa pheno!
These two are the ones showing the most color...^^^^
One of my favorite phenos, this is the 4th i decided to pollenate because of resin content and COLOR
This next one is developing SUPER FAST, it looks just like the pinkbud mother i used, but maturing much much faster...
Seeded green pheno
These are the ones i left "unseeded" for obvious reasons... i want BIG COLORFUL autos!
Cheers everyone! Lemme know what you think, dont be too harsh!!