Fingers crossed ain't gonna need to pal, had a dig around and found the Seedstockers BCN XXL seedling popping out near the edge of the pot , very carefully transplanted it with some tweezers and so far touch wood looking good but should know for sure in the morning when it find it shriveled up or not.
See I had them all labelled and they all looked the same ,,, so ,,,, I might do some more we gots loads a time really it's more have a end picture at such a date and regular updates
..... -- easy there 9bear, don't be tryin' to slip her your tongue! ... and put your teeth back in too, S!
>> Wawa'-- Oh,...
>>. Bushy ... I'm watching this Amber closely,... older seeds, and this one is looking inordinately unvigorous,... Ima sweat her for a few days and see WTF,..... I'll make the deadline regardless! ....possible swap-out with Sour Livers,....
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