Photoperiod 2 from Garden of Green: Green Crack & Blue Dream

That girl really wants to produce! The girl on the left does look a little light green? That might just be her color because she looks healthy. If you have Earth Juice MicroBlast, I would do a foliar application on both plants now.
I was going to ask if I could do a foliar once they are in flower. I wondered if it may mess with buds. I'm new to foliar feeding, but I like it. I gave them microblast 15 days ago. Bottle says every 2-4 weeks, so I was doing every 3 weeks. I've given them 2 foliar so far. She does look healthy minus light color, but looking at older photos she was a good bit darker prior. She has responded positively to the Bud Explosion. Should I give her a foliar feeding of microblast tomorrow then?
I was going to ask if I could do a foliar once they are in flower. I wondered if it may mess with buds. I'm new to foliar feeding, but I like it. I gave them microblast 15 days ago. Bottle says every 2-4 weeks, so I was doing every 3 weeks. I've given them 2 foliar so far. She does look healthy minus light color, but looking at older photos she was a good bit darker prior. She has responded positively to the Bud Explosion. Should I give her a foliar feeding of microblast tomorrow then?
I would because it is getting late now. You don't want to do it when the plants are well into flower. I put Kelp and Humic acid in my res once a week. In soil once a month is good.
I would because it is getting late now. You don't want to do it when the plants are well into flower. I put Kelp and Humic acid in my res once a week. In soil once a month is good.
Ok, good to know I will do that asap!
I've seen the flat stem before though rarely. The Mazar landrace I'm growing has a square stem with ribs. I suspect it's hollow also. I'll get some pics!

Ladies are looking good!

Time for an update!!! Thanks for stopping by we are coming up on 2 weeks into flower at day 11 today. The BD is getting large, I have the SP3000 up all the way and only have about 2" left to keep light at optimal distance. I started them on BE a few days ago and seem to be liking it. Here they are from about 1hr ago, they still need feed tonight.

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The BD is just under 2'x2' and 18" tall as of last night. They are getting 1/2 gallon a day each now. That is 1 reason I think I'll be going back to 3gal. They cant hold much water so they need feed everyday, better with an autopot system for sure.

I found something strange last week. This 1 "branch", I guess its 1 is flat. I have never seen this before that I can recall. Perhaps i have and was smaller so I dont remember, but its like 2 or more branches in 1. Its .5" wide and like 3-5mm thick. Could this been a result of supercropping? Let me know what you think. Here are some pics of it.

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It's odd right lol? Kinda cool it starts out round and is very leafy. Something to watch develope, a lot of stem to deliver nutrients! Stay lifted.

@Mizzo81 @bf80255 @Dabber @St. Tom @Green Hornet @pop22 @fauxnacho @WildBill @Ryno_nuggs @nizmoKush @Filthy_Casual @idiopathic neuropathy @Jpkindbud @verbalkent412 @Atulip @olbobcat @hope2grow @indicalla @baked in the bluegrass @Death The Cultivator @Mañ'O'Green @Les @HLG
I've seen the flat stem before though rarely. The Mazar landrace I'm growing has a square stem with ribs. I suspect it's hollow also. I'll get some pics!

Ladies are looking good!
Thanks got some still to go with the BD, but I think she gonna make a bunch of bud lol. Its strangely leafy cant even see a bud site so many leaves. Mutants make some of the best plants!
Yeah... I'm still here lol. Thanks for stopping back got some updates to get to, but 1st time to get in the correct state of mind! Go ahead and join me in whatever ritual you like and then we'll be good.

Today was day 27 of flower and they're finally looking like bud. They started getting frosty around 7-10 days ago. Getting sticky as well with some great smells. Not in the air, but after you touch them. The Blue Dream is very peppery a lot like the WW I've done. The Green Crack is more of sweet smell, I expected a mango scent like other GC's. I wanted to wait a little while for buds to start forming before I did an update. Time has come so I will just show them already.

Blue Dream

Green Crack

May be some copies in there didnt feel like going through them all, so just put them all up. I dont think I could have maxed out these 2 anymore than I did. The BD is FULL should get a nice return on her. I may be making some bho from her, live resin if she gets a strong enough scent. Ice water hash could be in the cards too. I have roughly 4-5 weeks so time to start thinking ahead. I think that's about it for now so until next time stay lifted.

@Mizzo81 @bf80255 @Dabber @St. Tom @Green Hornet @pop22 @fauxnacho @WildBill @Ryno_nuggs @nizmoKush @Filthy_Casual @idiopathic neuropathy @Jpkindbud @verbalkent412 @Atulip @olbobcat @hope2grow @indicalla @baked in the bluegrass @Death The Cultivator @Mañ'O'Green @Les @HLG
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/Have not grown the Blue Dream yet. But the Green Crack always puts out good weight. /
Dude, they look incredible! And FYI I DID smoke a bowl before continuing.
Dude, they look incredible! And FYI I DID smoke a bowl before continuing.
Thanks bud, nice that's always a great way to get lifted!
/Have not grown the Blue Dream yet. But the Green Crack always puts out good weight. /
Only done Fastbuds GC before, and they were very large ladies. I didnt top them tho, wonder what she would have done if not topped.