Photoperiod 2 from Garden of Green: Green Crack & Blue Dream

Makes life easier just keeping water in the res they get it when they want it
I have been bottom feeding them so might as well hahaha. I'm gonna get some 1 of these days. Once we go legal it will be more of a necessity, with just 2 I can hand water. I dont want to give up the room inside the tent for the reservoir lol.
I have been bottom feeding them so might as well hahaha. I'm gonna get some 1 of these days. Once we go legal it will be more of a necessity, with just 2 I can hand water. I dont want to give up the room inside the tent for the reservoir lol.
Just keep ppms low. I barley go over 500 on the 500 scale.
What's up growers! Back with more from Garden of Green for you all. Just got back from a mini vacation yesterday that I kinda forgot about. We left Tuesday afternoon and got back yesterday around noon. Just a short break I wasn't thrilled about taking, but is what it is as they say. I didn't want to leave my ladies for that long with these smaller bags. Dont have an automated watering system so was concerned about them drying up. Here they are just minutes before I left.


Both were doing well at this point. I gave them as much water as I could leading up to my departure. I filled them up just before the pics trying to limit how long they would go without water. I've done 5gal bags that were left for 3-4 days and were ok, but with them only being 2gal I was worried. I also dimmed my light to 50% hoping to slow growth and water intake. Here they are yesterday when I got home.


Wow, the Blue Dream looks so bad, whereas the Green Crack was fine. I made some feed up fast and gave most of it to the BD. This is what I was afraid could happen. The Green Crack didnt take the beating the BD did, but not surprising since she was smaller. Time would tell if she could bounce back from this or not. Here they were 6.5hrs later.


She came back within a few hrs, and I was feeling the relief as well. I was worried she was done for, but I have learned not to give up on these plants. Today she was looking even better so all good now! I need to feed then again and do some more trimming for a flip next week. I would like to train them more, but its taking to long, and I'm not sure how much bigger I can get them in these 2gal bags. I will let them recover some more then time for flowering. Till next time... stay lifted.

@Mizzo81 @bf80255 @Dabber @St. Tom @Green Hornet @pop22 @fauxnacho @WildBill @Ryno_nuggs @nizmoKush @Filthy_Casual @idiopathic neuropathy @Jpkindbud @verbalkent412 @Atulip @olbobcat @hope2grow @indicalla @baked in the bluegrass @damien50 @Mañ'O'Green @Les @HLG
What's up growers! Back with more from Garden of Green for you all. Just got back from a mini vacation yesterday that I kinda forgot about. We left Tuesday afternoon and got back yesterday around noon. Just a short break I wasn't thrilled about taking, but is what it is as they say. I didn't want to leave my ladies for that long with these smaller bags. Dont have an automated watering system so was concerned about them drying up. Here they are just minutes before I left.

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Both were doing well at this point. I gave them as much water as I could leading up to my departure. I filled them up just before the pics trying to limit how long they would go without water. I've done 5gal bags that were left for 3-4 days and were ok, but with them only being 2gal I was worried. I also dimmed my light to 50% hoping to slow growth and water intake. Here they are yesterday when I got home.

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Wow, the Blue Dream looks so bad, whereas the Green Crack was fine. I made some feed up fast and gave most of it to the BD. This is what I was afraid could happen. The Green Crack didnt take the beating the BD did, but not surprising since she was smaller. Time would tell if she could bounce back from this or not. Here they were 6.5hrs later.

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She came back within a few hrs, and I was feeling the relief as well. I was worried she was done for, but I have learned not to give up on these plants. Today she was looking even better so all good now! I need to feed then again and do some more trimming for a flip next week. I would like to train them more, but its taking to long, and I'm not sure how much bigger I can get them in these 2gal bags. I will let them recover some more then time for flowering. Till next time... stay lifted.

@Mizzo81 @bf80255 @Dabber @St. Tom @Green Hornet @pop22 @fauxnacho @WildBill @Ryno_nuggs @nizmoKush @Filthy_Casual @idiopathic neuropathy @Jpkindbud @verbalkent412 @Atulip @olbobcat @hope2grow @indicalla @baked in the bluegrass @damien50 @Mañ'O'Green @Les @HLG
Be sure to use a surfactant in your water to help rehydrate any soil that may have dried. Some Vitamin-b can be useful as well.