New Grower 2 fast 2 vast, 1st scrog grow

Jun 5, 2018
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Hi all, this is my first scrog grow and kind of journal so thought I would upload for some feedback and advice as we go. Have been running 4 plants for 3 weeks already so pictures are from yesterday.
My setup basics:
Heavyweight seeds 2 fast 2 vast autoflower.
Sun master Hps adjustable . Started at 250w for seedlings, now up to 400w. Can go to 600w. Euro and parabolic reflector.
Soil. 50/50 canna terra Pro and J Arthur bowers John innes no 2.
Nutes. Canna terra vega & flores, biobizz topmax. Very light on feeding, 1/2 dose once a week.
Tents, 80x80cm and 120x120cm.
Net 25mm grid and cut to tent size.
Am growing in loft and cold at the minute, extractor bring in too much cold air so just circulation fans at the minute with tent flaps not zipped to allow some air exchange.

Planned on doing the whole grow in my starter tent, 2 fast 2 vast have tended to be small to medium for me. Seriously underestimated the room required! No signs of any pre flowers so have moved into larger tent with parabolic shade, as I'm expecting a fair amount of growth to go.

Now in their new home:

Looking great bro I've grown a fair few heavyweight strains they always tended to be nice big plants and tons of flower
They look good i grow one 2V2F well nice smoke long time in flower tho but she gave me 4oz dry very nice stoned feeling when smoked
Looking great bro I've grown a fair few heavyweight strains they always tended to be nice big plants and tons of flower
They look good i grow one 2V2F well nice smoke long time in flower tho but she gave me 4oz dry very nice stoned feeling when smoked
2 fast 2 vast is my old reliable strain, pretty stable, good yields and easy.

A bit of an update, the moving didn't affect the growth, they were soon coming up through the net within a day!
A couple of question for anyone who has scrog autos before:
When should I stop tucking below net? Have read about a week after preflower? Noted first preflowers yesterday on 3 plants.
Secondly, trimming below net, have attached some pics and it's getting crowded under there. Have a fan under net blowing to keep air moving. I usually leave fan leaves until they drop, but have seen mixed advice regarding trimming with scrog autos.
Thanks in advance.
Bit of an update, 2 plants now coming into flower nicely, the other 2 seem for be about 4 days behind.
Have tucked all 4 under scrog net, but will be letting the 2 in flower grow from now on.
So we have 2 really different phenos here! 3 are compact branches and slowly reaching up. 1 is stretching like mad, growing 1-2 inches a day. I'm still tucking this one as I don't want the tops getting too close to the bulb, trying to keep at the same height as the rest.
Fed 1ml/l canna terra vega and flores today just for a boost.
24 hr lights on to keep temperature inside the tent up, it's really cold here atm. Was considering upping the Hps to 600w but don't want to induce stress.
So we are getting there slowly. One has gone to total s*** with spindles for buds and still stretching. Possibly genetics as the other are doing OK. Will be removing this one shortly.
The other 3 are coming along, some slight yellowing at tips of leaves as you may see in the pics. Any ideas on possible why? I'm not worried too much though as we are now quite a way along into flowering.