Indoor 1x green crack. 1x blueberry. Air pots & cobs

I had a few plants go like this a couple of grows ago, Colorado Cookie, if I remember correctly.... I had to flush them and gently build them up again with feed strength.
Might do it just to be safe I reckon just got home from work so I'll see how they looking in a sec
Yeh they are in a bad way. @Teetee @orrganic

Going to flush them now. After flush do I give them a the new feed straight away or let it sit for abit


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Just flushed 10ls thru them. Fully wasn't thinking and didn't pH the flush water is that a massive rookie error haha
Nah day 20 they were still at what it reckoned for plants with 3-4 sets of leaves. Didnt bump it up till 4 days ago. Also just read that I should flush double the pot size so I'll go throw another 10 thru them
Fats , where you on full strength around day 20 , ?
Cool , but remember 1/4 strength feed , Like a 3.3.3. or may be 2.2.2. . softly - softly mate . :thumbsup:
Just put another 10 of phd water through them and are draining now. Can I ask what you mean 3.3.3 and I thought QTR strength was just seedlings ? How would I judge it? going qtr strength of there recommend full dose ?


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P.s thanks so much for all your help fellas
Yes . you have just flushed the shit out of it , so if you go full strength it will harm your roots , again I grow in soil but @orrganic will know more . Also -- Plant of health -- Australian nutrients are just as good and cheaper .

Awesome cheers heaps for that. I'll finish dinner and go mix there new feed up and see what happens . Yeh nice I haven't seen them I'll check em out