New Grower 1st serious grow. Nirvana NL Auto. Single 75W Cob light. Custom tent, with arduino and raspberry pi!

I've got a question for you guys. I've been noticing nutrient burn in between feedings. My theory is either the plant is getting too hungry and the pot is getting too dry and there might be some concentration build up in the soil or something? This time I'm seeing brown tips of the fan leaves and even some on the flower. This is the first time I've noticed it being in the outside edges of the leaves usually it's just the very tip. Seems like right before I fees I'll notice the tip burn a little bit then it dissipates over a couple days but this is pretty noticeable. At first I thought it was a calcium problem but I've been feeding calimagic one milliliter per liter over the past three feedings. The Cal Mag issue never really got noticeably better but this is starting to look like burn to me.

Is there anything I can do or should do at this point? I've only got about three to four feedings left before I chop this thing I feel like. Once again I'm feeding about one gallon of distilled water plus nutrients per tangs easy feeding schedule plus Cali Magic every 4 to 5 days. Should I just Let It Go and Keep On Truckin? Or is there some sort of fix you recommend at this stage of flowering that I could do to help with this…

You can see in the picture below what the tips of the leaves are starting to do. It may not even be that big of a deal...
If your watering to run off, about 15%, then you should be correct in your assumption that the plant is drying out too much between waterings. I would probably water every 3 days, with one being a feeding and the other being just plain water. As long as you're in soil that is

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Of course now that I look at the picture of your plant that looks like a I believe it's potassium deficiency? My memory is kinda not serving me too well at this moment anyway, more PK would probably solve the problem or if you haven't been watering to runoff you may need a little flush as you might have a lockout.

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Fed 3 days ago what I think will be the final nutrient feeding. I purchased a loupe and trichomes are starting to get a lot of cloudiness. Pistils are around 30-40% dark. Plan to start straight water today or tomorrow. I think the 5 week estimate above was pretty accurate. I think I have 1.5-2 weeks left here. I'll post some pics after the feed.
Day 72:

Have fed plain distilled water the past 2 feedings. Seems like she is getting less thirsty. Taking longer to completely dry out. I am hoping to chop this thing this weekend coming. Should be around 77-80 days since she popped on 4/20. Due to some unforeseen circumstances I really do need to chop her down Friday or so...

I've been monitoring the trichomes, and they are a lot of cloudy, but I still see a lot of clear and a lot that may be I am hoping for all cloudy in the next 4-5 days... Ultimately thats the trigger at this point for when I chop... Not the best at monitoring the trichomes, but I do prefer the energetic high.

See pics below...what do you all think about the plan?

looking great :thumbsup: im a fan of early cuts heady highs.if you have a deadline then get it down.
Day 74:

Was doing a little defoliation and accidentally knocked a smaller popcorn bud off of the bottom. Just enough to fill the bowl of my dry herb vaporizer. I did a quick dry in the microwave, 40% power level 2-3 second bursts until it was reasonably dry. (Not sure if that is entirely necessary with a dry herb vape). Anyway...I got pretty high. Still feeling it 1.5 hours later. Didn't even taste all that bad to be honest, a little harsh hit about half way through the session. Under the loupe there was a few cloudy but mostly clear from what i could tell...lower bud...little light. The upper buds are about 50-60% cloudy.

Never done this before, not sure how quickly these things get cloudy once they start to change over.

At this point I am planning to chop day 77, but if I don't see a majority cloudy trichomes I will take it a day at a time. Need this thing drying ASAP unfortunately.
Not sure how these I could do with my loupe. They are pretty blurry. Top 2 are upper buds getting a lot of light and bottom is a lower bud.

Based on this, 3 days look about right?


