New Grower 1st serious grow. Nirvana NL Auto. Single 75W Cob light. Custom tent, with arduino and raspberry pi!

Mar 30, 2018
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Sup yall!

Should be a fun time. I had posted in the introduction forum about my plans and was encouraged to start a grow journal. Everything is preliminary at this point except for the beans themselves. I have 5 Nirvana NL Autos in my possession. Here is how it all goes down, bullet point style:

  • 1 plant at a time.
  • Under a single 75w Cree Cob by Rapid LED 3500k. (considering adding another diy cob light later)
  • IF I add the second light, consider adding a second plant mid-grow.
  • diy tent 3'x2'x5.5' made out of scrap 1/2" PVC and panda film (maybe 2 layers, worried about temp)
  • 4" carbon filter and fan for exhaust (to be added later on in flowering)
  • High speed 120mm pc fan for intake (thinking of mounting between the pvc with corrugated plastic signage)
  • (maybe an additional intake fan if needed)
  • Nutrients: for simplicity will follow "Tangs easy auto feeding schedule" (may replace carboload with bud candy however...thinking of primarily vaping?)
  • Medium: Biobizz light mix (closest I can find to his soil)
  • 3 gallon fabric pot
  • Growing in a humid basement (RH 60+), have 2 large dehumidifiers if needed
  • Basement is on the cool side 65-70, considering a SMALL radiator heater inside the box?
  • Have an Arduino and Raspberry Pi, have built a prototype with a DHT22 sensor that will measure temp and humidity inside the box on the arduino. Thinking about adding some relays to switch fans/heaters on and off to regulate the constant temperature/humidity. Thinking about connecting to the Pi as a webserver so I can monitor via web browser at any time and may even add functionality of manually starting/stopping any of those services. (I'm a nerd)
  • Do plan on being out of town end of May for 7 days and am concerned about timing of the grow due to this...
  • Would ideally like to have vapable herb by mid July.
Tagging some good folks from my intro post: @Need4Weed @TheMongol @AutoWonders @archie gemmill @Eekman

This is my first serious grow...I do have one other successful(sorta) photoperiod bagseed grow under my belt.

First pics will be of my setup and prototypes. Have yet to receive all items needed but will document as they arrive.

Thanks everyone in advance for any assistance you may have!!!
nice set up.a 2 week old plant dont take up much room to get a head start on next grow.not much difference between biobizz lightmix and plagron,plagron seems to have a bit more sand in it a 50L bag is a smidge heavier than biobizz,i prefare the biobizz.
there are a few guys here playing about with pies and ardwinoes,a bit over my head but good to watch.
should be good for mid july :pass:
good luck n keep er lit.
Got my temperature and humidity box built. This is powered by an arduino and will send the data out to a raspberry pi that I can access over the web remotely. Will be adding functionality to start a pump connected to a relay and feed the plant. May be adding some code to this device that will start and stop fans etc based on Temps.
IMG_20180414_130101 - Copy.jpg

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Probably going to germinate tomorrow using Ronin's technique. Have some rapid rooters showing up tomorrow. Should I use distilled water? Our tap water is pretty bad. I'm not looking to invest much into PH testing this time around. I actually may use it for the feeding as well if recommended?
Probably going to germinate tomorrow using Ronin's technique. Have some rapid rooters showing up tomorrow. Should I use distilled water? Our tap water is pretty bad. I'm not looking to invest much into PH testing this time around. I actually may use it for the feeding as well if recommended?
It doesn't hurt to germinate with distilled water or even use it your entire grow. The main thing to worry about if you use it the entire grow is some mineral deficiencies probably calcium later on in flower. You might do something like use your own tap water every third watering or something like that she could benefit from some minerals or cut your water with distilled water.

Got most of my gear today. So excited. This Cob light is much larger than I expected. However, I'm a little concerned about heat in my box, it only raises the temp a few degrees and I've yet to get intake etc set up. Only around 72 inside the tent with no fans.

Questions about germination. I have a huge bag of rapid rooters and a container sitting on my wifi router to make sure it gets warm. I plan to germinate tonight, soil won't be here until Wed. Plan on using "Ronins" method to germinate.

Does it matter what orientation the seed goes into the rooter? Pointy side up or down?

Once it sprouts can I skip the CFL and go straight to soil under the cob?

What distance is recommended for a 75w cob over the seedling?

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Does it matter what orientation the seed goes into the rooter? Pointy side up or down?

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Well technically you want the pointy part to go up. In nature the fat part will fall to the ground first the point will go up at least a higher percentage of time than the other way around. Then when it sprouts the root grows up at First turns around and goes down and that action makes the head of the seedling pull up in such a way that the seed shell is removed. Rapid rooters can be kind of spongy and difficult for some young roots to penetrate sometimes. So I would probably stick the seed in sideways, that's usually what I do if I have any doubts about viability or like I say a spongy rapid Rooter kind of thing.
