@Anasazi don't fret too much, those little roots grow pretty quickly. I see that you are using mychrozial fungi it is GREAT stuff for healthy roots especially at the beginning keep putting some in the water along with the roots. Another good trick I learned with the great white is if you put it in something with water in it and stir the hell out of it then put it into your buckets it helps the fungi attach to the roots and do its thingAlso your setup is NICE my friend I think you are going to grow some monsters inn that there tent!
Hey derek! I feel silly worrying about those roots now haha. Two days later she had three roots in the water to replace the one that broke off. I'm going to start taking pics of the roots with my pic updates. I wasn't sure if I was going to use the Great White again or not tbh. I was kind of scared it would give me slime or something and make me have to take my system apart and clean it. I've been having the greatest internal debate on whether or not to use DM zone and go sterile or use the Great White. I did read that if you use only real small amounts of the GW you avoid stuff like slime. I'm sort of leaning toward trying a little. I was thinking I could mix a little and pour just a little over the rocks in the baskets.