New Grower 1st Grow - zkittlez og

Hi peoples
Well this is probably my last entry for this grow, as chop and dry have Now been checked off. It’s all had a nice trim and now in for the cure. Seeing as I started this journal very late on I thought I would just add a summary of my first experience growing a plant.
This is where it all started for me , welcome to my new second home.
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Then the spice girls visited my tent and “ two became one “. So I put all my efforts into my one remaining plant, looking back I’m quite pleased I just had one girl to worry about as she run me ragged physically and mentally ( oh so mentally) lol.
And this is my little ray of sunshine.
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£279 206watts from the wall. Can’t complain about this led at all, it grew my plant to finish without skipping a beat. And the dimmer is very convenient.
I opted for the full canna line of nutes and the starter kit had everything needed for a grow, but I did leave out pk13/14 as I didn’t feel comfortable using it. I won’t bore you with ec and ppm ect. I’m a first time grower who was more or less winging it through the grow, I fed more I fed less at times depending on what she looked like, maybe I got this right sometimes, maybe I didn’t. It’s a nute minefield. I know enough to get a plant to finish but nothing more, but each grow I will learn and already much more confident about my second grow.
Through veg stage she was purring along nicely, I couldn’t believe the weekly growth of my plant, i really didn’t want to defol but she got so bushy I had to. She had a pretty heavy defol at week 7 , then she started very slowly to deteriorate
, I got some advice and tried a few things, but didn’t have the knowledge to correct it, and as it was so slow I thought I could ride it out until finish, it was a race against time, and I just wanted to get enough amber so I could chop. It was a very nervy month or so . She didn’t end up looking to pretty but she did give me a nice harvest.( good girl).
im gonna stick up all my weekly photo shoots just so I got somewhere safe for them and to look back on them one day , then I can clear my phone finally lol
Weekly photo shoot start to finish.
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93 days in total, I knew it wouldn’t be as quick as the vendor advertises but I didnt think it would be that long either, not complaining she was ready when she was ready. I probably slowed her down somewhat with a newbies abuse lol and way too hot at times in my loft. Oh yes the loft, better not rant too much , it did serve me well but carrying 5 litres a day up there for 8 weeks takes its toll.
Anyway the day came when I finally had enough amber and no growth for a week, the day had finally arrived, I sat in my loft for 6 1/2 hours and cut her down and trimmed then two hours hanging it all. My loft was 30 c, I was hotter.
couldn’t believe how much of this plant there was and didn’t all quite sink in for a day or so, then realised how clear my head was now that I had finally grown and harvested a plant. On with the drying , it did get hotter than I wanted at times in my tent but I managed to hang out the drying for 5 days, don’t think the buds would have handled another day , I actually had to rehydrate the buds a little with a large tote and moist paper towels , it didn’t take too long but I never left the room lol wasn’t gonna ruin it at this stage.
Everything is now curing and all seems good so far, burp burp.
what an experience growing an auto plant . Still kind of buzzing about it all now,but really enjoying a clear head with no plant worries right now, I will be getting to work on next grow asap, need to do some work in the loft first, then I’m ready for round two, bring it on. Gonna have to continue this later...........................
Thanks for the final chapter it may help you to come back to and other growers too
...........continued from previous entry
hi peoples
time to wrap this one up for good. The whole experience was a proper roller coaster ride and I don’t think I got off yet lmao. Check that one off the bucket list.
can’t wait to jump in again and produce a better plant with all that I’ve learnt.
I have to add this pic , it’s my show of the grow, my favourite photo , she never looked prettier or healthier.

“ go on girl, well done “
Anyway , after my drying I gave everything a nice trim and chopped the buds up a bit smaller as I wanted to get rid of as much stem as I could, I didnt want to cheat myself on the final weigh in. This is what I was left with.

WTF!!!!!..........” yes officer , just for personal use”
surprised to say the least, don’t quite believe what I see, yes it’s fairly loose bud but it is all smokable bud. still smells of grass and gas , but early days in the cure. Well I better tag in @420Forever as I know he’s itching for my dry weight. Hello bud here you go mate.

total 296g, I still don’t believe it, I’ve weighed it and weighed and weighed it over and over again, I’ve put dry food packs on the scales as a test and they were on point. Hey ho , had worse days.
Everything is jarred up and curing nicely.


so there you have it, I did it . One last thing is to say a massive thankyou to AFN
and all the members that have helped me out with advice and reassurance, it’s such a good place to be and share my grow . I’ve learnt so much from you all and had some good laughs along the way. Great bunch of folk :bighug:thankyou all.
cheers to AFN and all who reside.

This is the Sheriff ........... over n out .
Cheers guys more rep and a shiny new badge, that’s the one I was after. Thankyou.
...........continued from previous entry
hi peoples
time to wrap this one up for good. The whole experience was a proper roller coaster ride and I don’t think I got off yet lmao. Check that one off the bucket list.
can’t wait to jump in again and produce a better plant with all that I’ve learnt.
I have to add this pic , it’s my show of the grow, my favourite photo , she never looked prettier or healthier.
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“ go on girl, well done “
Anyway , after my drying I gave everything a nice trim and chopped the buds up a bit smaller as I wanted to get rid of as much stem as I could, I didnt want to cheat myself on the final weigh in. This is what I was left with.
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WTF!!!!!..........” yes officer , just for personal use”
surprised to say the least, don’t quite believe what I see, yes it’s fairly loose bud but it is all smokable bud. still smells of grass and gas , but early days in the cure. Well I better tag in @420Forever as I know he’s itching for my dry weight. Hello bud here you go mate.
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total 296g, I still don’t believe it, I’ve weighed it and weighed and weighed it over and over again, I’ve put dry food packs on the scales as a test and they were on point. Hey ho , had worse days.
Everything is jarred up and curing nicely.
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so there you have it, I did it . One last thing is to say a massive thankyou to AFN
and all the members that have helped me out with advice and reassurance, it’s such a good place to be and share my grow . I’ve learnt so much from you all and had some good laughs along the way. Great bunch of folk :bighug:thankyou all.
cheers to AFN and all who reside.
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This is the Sheriff ........... over n out .

:clapper: :woohoo: :headbang: :slap: congratz on the harvest sheriff & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) i've also got another surprize for ya, so keep an eye on ur alertz :eyebrows: ppp
:clapper: :woohoo: :headbang: :slap: congratz on the harvest sheriff & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) i've also got another surprize for ya, so keep an eye on ur alertz :eyebrows: ppp
A blank box , very nice lmao
Hi peoples
well today is day 93, she’s done some fattening up this week, but mainly just watching those trichs and waiting to see enough amber, had some heat issues with uk weather this week, but it is what it is.
zkittles week 13
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she’s pretty dry in places but bud all seems good. Can’t really see in pic but a lot of that bud has turned a nice purple ish sort of colour. Then OMG this happened.WTF.
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The Sheriff has only gone and crossed the finish line on his 1st grow.:yay::woohoo::yay:
wow 8 hours I was at it today chopping and trimming, that’s a job n half isnt it, glad i only had one plant now lmao.
I enjoyed the process , it was like counting money, nice feeling but I ache all over being up in my loft all day.
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This is absolutely insane:yoinks:, did not expect to see so much.” hasnt all quite sunk in yet, my head is buzzing.
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coming to a rizla near me soon.
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Now I’m on to the drying, I made a large drying box , which surprisingly fits in my lil tent, strung up a load of buds and filled the lines, but still had over half left omg. I just made a large cardboard tray at the bottom of the box , chopped Up what was left and put em in the tray ( single level ). Humidity is a bit high right now but it’s packed with wet bud , it is dropping slowly.
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overal there was a lot of very nice dense colas and really nice bud, there was some larf there aswell and some younger buds, but I needed to harvest in one hit, so I took everything she had to offer. Some of the top colas were a bit more than 20% amber and the lowers all caught up a bit so a nice mix of buzz to try after the cure.
So that’s me pretty much done , very pleased with outcome but many improvements needed for next grow. I will update with a nice summary and dry weight next week ish hopefully.
cheers peoples.

Hey brotha im super excited for u on how kick ass your grow turned out man. Gives me a lil hope on what I have to look forward to in the next coming months. I ordered 5-Gelato, 5-Zkittlez, and 5-Wedding Cake autoflower seeds and im going with soil for my 1st time ever. Always done dwc. And I have the GH 3 part flora so im hoping I can use that with my soil. Just got my FFOF soil in today so im just about ready to get going.

Wish me luck. Thx.
Yes buddy good luck, think I just got lucky lol don’t worry there’s hope for us all.