New Grower 1st grow - Girl Scout Cookies Auto

thanks for your encouragement and for the links, very useful... :thanks:

but now i am confused, i was thinking i didn't wait enough before feeding and that it was the problem (too much humidity) and now i found a post in the coco section saying that it's no good to let it to dry.. as soon as it looks flaky we should feed again...

but it is still wet around the plant.. what do you think ? i fed on day 10, this day 19.. i spray so neem day 17.. with the pics here do you think i should fed or still wait a bit ?

my mothertongue is not english so not so easy for me ^^ (flaky is ?? not well translated)

when i put my finger in coco it's dry but not close to the plant..

so i feed now ? was thinking 750 ml each..

IMG_3590.JPG IMG_3592.JPG
i only have one tongue so you doing great :thumbsup: flaky = crumbles easily.
the dark patches on the surface,is that from neem spray or from feed on day 10 ? how much did you feed on day 10 ?
i only have one tongue so you doing great :thumbsup: flaky = crumbles easily.
the dark patches on the surface,is that from neem spray or from feed on day 10 ? how much did you feed on day 10 ?
thanks archie ! the dark patches are from the neem.. the fed i did on day 10 was of 1250 ml each pot.. i copy it on what did Hansbricks.. but maybe i should have adjust to my own and wait before that it was completely dry... because on day 10 it was not that dry before i fed..

maybe i stress too much and everything is just okay ??
thanks for your advice @archie gemmill !

Well when I checked this evening it was dry very deeply.. and as i did not feed for 10 days, so I decided to feed with 1 liter each pot :
2ml voodo, 1ml calmag, 1ml sensi grow A/B

what do you think about Airdomes ? is it time to put them on ?
Hansbricks put them on the 15th day but his plants were so much bigger than my own..
To bring air to the roots is it too early ?
i gauge my when to and how much water to feed plants based on the weight of the pot.for a long time i had a spare pot of soil sitting in the corner,every day i would lift it up and down.i did the same with my plants,if the pots where light i watered them,still heavy i waited to next day to water.sorry not a very scienfic answer,growing is more of a feeling than numbers or a timetable.
airdomes :shrug: the autopots section quite a few familar names here Hemi bushy Roasty to name a few. this section seems to be the place for swapping notes.
i like science facts figures and love a good theory to work out,growing is not a a shit gardener,with a bit of experience that reads a lot.
think i @ 'd you into the airdomes question but sometimes the the @ works but we dont get the alerts for it.
Hi @Shantam here is my watering schedule that I used on my autopot grows. I prewatered the pots with 1.5L nute solution before putting in germed seeds, 5 days from sprout they get 500mls nute solution poured in a ring away from sprout, 10 days 750mls-1L nute solution, 15 days turn on airdomes and 1L nute solution, day 20 turn on res and last top feed of 1-1.5L nute solution to make sure pots are saturated and bottom feed. Hope this helps.