Indoor 1st Grow Ever!!! WE HAVE LIFE!!! Rainbow Frost

Day 15 of random seed (X)
Slow growth so far from the second rainbow frost added a lil dr earth fertilizer to give her some added nutes with a ph of 6.7 any suggestions what else I should add to get her growth growing a lil faster
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LITFA.......not much you can really do at this point.
Advise keeping a close eye on the rando seed......just really don't know where it's been. Might be photo, might be hermie?
If you're plants are that size and flowering then they won't get any bigger I'm afraid. It looks like they are stunted and didn't have a good veg cycle before hitting flower. This can happen for several reasons so it's hard to say but you may have over watered them ? My guess is the roots did not develop properly.
If you're plants are that size and flowering then they won't get any bigger I'm afraid. It looks like they are stunted and didn't have a good veg cycle before hitting flower. This can happen for several reasons so it's hard to say but you may have over watered them ? My guess is the roots did not develop properly.
Damn really that’s crazy wow I’m so upset I didn’t know I was overwatering them! This really sucks
I have to see what light I ordered something off of Amazon which might be the problem if not the watering issue
You're light may be a issue of its just a cheap one from Amazon. I have bought plenty crap lights before I went with Marshydro lights. If you have a small space you may be able to pick up a small Marshydro light for a decent price.
When you're seedlings are young you only need to water them every other day and only a small amount just to replace the used up moisture.
You're light may be a issue of its just a cheap one from Amazon. I have bought plenty crap lights before I went with Marshydro lights. If you have a small space you may be able to pick up a small Marshydro light for a decent price.
When you're seedlings are young you only need to water them every other day and only a small amount just to replace the used up moisture.
Thanks a lot for the advice and yeah I been seeing videos about Amazon lights and how the cheap ones don’t produce much par thank you for that I gotta get a Marshydro and I have a 4’ 2 tent a small one would cover that space?
Thanks a lot for the advice and yeah I been seeing videos about Amazon lights and how the cheap ones don’t produce much par thank you for that I gotta get a Marshydro and I have a 4’ 2 tent a small one would cover that space?
I'm sure you will find a decent light for you're space. My advice is to buy a light that will last a few years 2/5 .
see what others on the sight use and make a judgment on that :thumbsup: no one will steer you wrong here.