New Grower 1st grow ever... Dinafem White Widow XXL

You will deff notice the love you put into your own grow in quality and taste!! My friend used to get a lot of green. He would offer to pay/trade crazy prices for my stuff. He even once traded 2:1 and what he was getting was nothing to sneeze at. You will notice a huge difference
Hopefully @fatcalvin !

I had to go to a different city for couple days, got back yesterday night. I checked my plants but one of them looks fucked up. She was always much slower even in the germination phase.
My lights were 50cm away from the seedlings(already put them to 70 if the problem was too much heat). Temperature is 29 celsius.

What did go wrong? How could I help her somehow?


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Hopefully @fatcalvin !

I had to go to a different city for couple days, got back yesterday night. I checked my plants but one of them looks fucked up. She was always much slower even in the germination phase.
My lights were 50cm away from the seedlings(already put them to 70 if the problem was too much heat). Temperature is 29 celsius.

What did go wrong? How could I help her somehow?

YOU HAVE BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That plant was eaten the fuck out of by somethin, due to the extensive damage I would say some kind of caterpillar. You need to get some neem oil or pyrethrum ASAP. And find the culprit cause they are just waitin to much your other babies
Thank you for the answers!
Didn't really think spiders do any harm for the plant (plain logic) but asked anyways, better to be safe than sorry!:d5:

Today I bought the HPS and MH light as well, so tomorrow will set up my growroom. (OFF) I dont like to say bad about people,but fuck the woman in the store was a bitch! She asked if I'm a beginner in growing and I said yes. I told her I only need the light set. She tried to convince me with the worst possible tone in her voice that I need a tent set. I said I have plenty room and will use floor vent and windows/door to keep the temperature under control. She said "ohhh okay so why dont you just go outside and spew your seeds somewhere and just let them grow without touching them". When I asked why tent is so necessary she said "cannabis is a very precious plant". 2 customers were in the store and said that tent is absolutely not necessary in my situation. One would expect that you would meet a friendly stoner clerk in a growshop. lol Told her she is lucky today cause I traveled a lot to buy the set but under different conditions I would never spend a dime here. I guess she was mad that she couldnt convince me to spend 500 $ there, spent 200$ total.

I'm going to pull up a chair love to watch them grow you have a good set up and plenty of room for what ever you want to do I bet you won't have heat problems like a tent. I got a 600 watt mh/ hps also I like it I will like it more when the heat index is not 107 with 100 % humidity.
YOU HAVE BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That plant was eaten the fuck out of by somethin, due to the extensive damage I would say some kind of caterpillar. You need to get some neem oil or pyrethrum ASAP. And find the culprit cause they are just waitin to much your other babies

Fuck that doesn't sound good!
Unfortunately any gardening store will be open on Monday. Anything else I can do?
I just finished up a Cheese XXL from Dina that pulled 4.5 ounces and that was with some deficiency's so it probably could have done better but I don't like how tall the XXL plants get. Mine was hungry for calcium.
Fuck that doesn't sound good!
Unfortunately any gardening store will be open on Monday. Anything else I can do?

Dishsoap and warm water, a mild dishsoap in warm water will probably keep the little buggers at bay til Monday. Although hardware type stores might have neem as well it is pretty common stuff
Okay I'm doing that. Thanks Derek

I found couple bugs inside, one of them was eating my little plant, it was pretty big. I covered any big lightleaks that could lure them there. Thats why it sucks when you have to go and cant watch your plants couple days.
Okay I'm doing that. Thanks Derek

I found couple bugs inside, one of them was eating my little plant, it was pretty big. I covered any big lightleaks that could lure them there. Thats why it sucks when you have to go and cant watch your plants couple days.

also go to the hardware store or Walmart type place and get some sticky traps to lay around your plants that way itll catch em before they hop on or when they hop off hopefully
Derek, thanks for the infos!

I see no bugs anymore, made a mistake on my part tho, should have closed any small gap around the door sooner.

I am not too happy about how things are right now. Both of them are 15 day old (+3days germination)

1) The first one is the bigger one. She looks okay but I'm worried about the little small yellow dots. I read a bit and it could be overwatering or Ca defency. What do you guys think?

2) The second one is the damaged one. It doesn't grow at all I feel like and it is more than 2 weeks old, so I am a bit worried about it. I am a bit afraid that it got stunt badly so wont give too much yield. If I have 2 succesfull plants I'm set for half year or so, and I would rather do growing twice a year. But I definetly don't want to kill her. Do you guys think that I should start a 3rd one?



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