1) SOS: Help!
Plant A
Plant B
My plants look i'll. They are 3 weeks old & have always had bent/curling leaves etc but now I have noticed the tips of the bottom leaves have started to yellow?
They don't seem to grow as quick as other peoples however, they are showing new growth & the leaves & stems gets bigger every day. They are under 2x 105w CFL's, 17 hours light & are watered every 3 or 4 days. On Sun 31st I added nutrients for the 1st time but in a really low dose less aprox 5th of recomened strengh.
Please have a look at the pics and kindly let us know what you think & give us any advise you think will help.
2) Diary update:
[FONT="]My 2 BioDiesel plants are now 3 weeks old today & I am really enjoying the growing experience. It’s mesmerising watching them grow & it’s a real joy seeing how quickly they are developing (I know, I need to get out more!).[/FONT]
[FONT="]That said, last week I thought I had killed them! I nearly had kittens when I knocked my girls over...talk about panic! However, I carefully re-potted them & they have recovered well so, ‘Thanks’ to all of you who reassured me & hopefully I won’t need to get the hedgehog out again...just yet!!![/FONT]
Don't count yer chickens mate!)
[FONT="]I have learned loads by reading other peoples threads as they are full of hints, tips & info. For example, [/FONT][FONT="]I have put a bowl of water in with my plants to increase the humidity as it was low & it worked. I also rotate my plants to ensure they get good all over light penetration & in addition, once they have grown up a bit will start Low Stress Training (LST).[/FONT]
[FONT="]Technical stuff:[/FONT]
[FONT="]Lights:[/FONT][FONT="] Currently I have 2 CLF’s (105w, 5600K-blue for veg & 105w, 2700K-red for flowering) however, I have since found out the 5600K-red will work ok, but for the best results during the veg stage under CFL I need a 6400K-blue. [/FONT]
[FONT="]I’ve ordered another 2 CFL’s (105w, 6400K-blue & 105w, 2700K-red) so in a few days I’ll have 4 CFL’s, this will give me the full colour range & hopefully the best results. My plants are doing well & I’m keeping them really close to the lights (literally a couple of inches) so they absorb the light. CFL’s are cheap to run & don’t give off much heat. [/FONT]
[FONT="]Water & nutrients:[/FONT][FONT="] I water every 3 or 4 days with bottled water, I’m waiting on a ph reader as if ph to high/low if effects how the plants absorb nutrients etc. Today, I have started using nutrients at quarter strength & will increase over time to full strength. I will alternate clean water & nutrients each time.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Any advice, comments or ‘
constructive’ criticism much appreciated...[/FONT]
[FONT="]Any experts who see anything untoward or early signs of problems with my ‘girls’ let us know, many thanks.[/FONT]