New Grower 1st Grow CFL BioDiesel Mass Auto (x2)

Guys & Girls,

Thanks for all your comments. I feel much better & will be able to sleep tonight...

‘After I’ve scrubbed my underpants clean’...
hedgehog_bath_02.jpg OldLadyShocked_261661.png
Only joking, Grandma! (LMFAO)

Disclaimer: No hedgehogs were harmed during this post!
when bdm reaches full flower it will stink to high heaven bro the smell will go through the walls and anyone walking by will pick up on that sweet smell and with the police in the uk handing out scratch and sniff cards ya may wanna get some form of odour control to save a visit from the boys in blue
Thanks Carbon,
[/FONT] I appreciate the comment & I guess it hasn’t done you no harm (dunno about your plants though), lol! :D

Ohhh I'm fine the plants F*cked hahahaha! Seriously though bro your all good they will bounce right back.... get it :lol:
Nice one flub,

Thanks for the positive comment & advice.

I haven�t got a filter but the flat skinks of weed & I've been her a couple of years so if it ain't too bad won't bother...I haven�t grown weed before so unsure how bad the smell will be. If it is ridicules I will sort something out but I've only got 2 plants so was gonna play it by ear...

Do you think that is a bad idea?
I'm gonna guess here and say that the apartment smells like smoked weed. If that is the fact then, your in for a surprise when those ladies of yours start to preflower. My 1st is smelling pretty strong and I've still got about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks before full flower. I don't have to worry over cops as it's legal here, otherwise I would have either a carbon filter or ozone air scrubber, it's that strong. Good Luck, jonny!!! :vibe:
Hi flub,

Thanks for the reply.

Those scratch & sniff cards are also referred to as 'air fresheners' lol, see below,


I don't fancy a knock at the door from the boys in blue & I could always get grassed up I suppose, so I will look into the filters.

I have my setup in a wardrobe cardcoard box, the main reason is to stop the light escaping & being wasted, also it is open for air flow & ventalation, see below.

DSC_0006.jpg DSC_0007.jpg

Taking my set up into account, what advice/constructive criticism would you give in regards filters etc?

Have you grown BDM? if so what was your set up (lights/filter/environment etc)? Also what was your yield & most importantly what was the smoke like?

Let us know, cheers!
Nice one Carbon, you crack me up :thumbs:

My plants seem ok to be honest! (although, I don't recommend dropping them too often).
Hi SlinkyKat,

I ain’t surprised your 1 stinks...(look at the size of her)!

1st grow 037.jpg

I’ve only got a little one...
DSC_0003.jpg, well 2 actually...Yeah 2! I will look into the filters though, thanks for your advice.
...Anyway it's alright for you, YOU don’t have to worry about the cops, like us...
policefail3.jpg (british police) LMFAO...

big_weekend_police_420x280.jpg Oh well, at least ours don't ALL have guns!...

ps, glad your girls are ok after the watergate incident!

:D :thumbs: :vibe:
Thanks SlinkyKat...

Is that it! (all i need I mean)...
I thought I'd need some crazy & expensive air conditioning system, not just something to plug in the wall!


Thanks for looking into it for us...appreciated!
:D Not a problem. I was happy to help ya out!!! All ya got to remember is to plug it in somewhere near (but not to near :p) where your plants are growing. You got a little while before they start making the air smell yet, though.