New Grower 1st grow - 24x24x55 - autocob

I grow in 3 gal. soil pots and usually get a little runoff after watering with a gallon.
I water a little faster than you though. If I had the patience for 10 minute intervals between portions of water, it would most likely get all absorbed!
And thinking about it a little more—I also have one inch of 100% perlite at the very bottom of my bags(so even less soil than you.) I don't like soggy bottoms!

thanks for chiming in @Mr. K! might have to start mixing nutrients in a 3gal bucket so i can see how much i can put in before i see run off.

@thedailydose, looking good time will start to drag from here on in ;¬)
end of 6 weeks this sunday! i cant wait to see the change in growth and the buds... couple more weeks :pop:

Experience builds confidence.
A first-time grower might not have the same success if they attempted heavily defoliation on their first few grows.
I doubt I would have.

this is why i had to try it! i can only do so much reading.. but the only way to learn is to actually experience it and see it for myself. cant say i was 100% confident.. thats why i barely removed any leaves :rofl:

:yeahthat: what he said.

"Notice that most people who will be 'pro' defoliation have done it and are speaking from experience and most people who are against it have not done it and base their reasoning on what appears to be common sense to them."

That sums it up very neatly, well said :toke:

no matter where i look/read its always a double sided coin. same thing with topping vs not topping.. some say it helps and some say it slows down the growth killing yield.

i was reading this
“In the wild a fan leaf is a pretty necessary thing. Not only is it a solar panel but it is also a holding center for the plants nutrients. Indoor grows, where you control a constant supply of food to your plants, makes the fan leaf less necessary. Yes, they are a solar panel but they are also a huge blocker of light to your offshoots which need daily development to achieve greatness.”

– AK GreenLover

I noticed recently that breeders notes for Mephisto states what type of training would be beneficial for certain strains. Some it said “likes heavy “ or “ light defol beneficial “ or if I remember “doesn’t like defol but leaf tucking helps”. It was an eye opener for me to always check breeders notes as hopefully they know the strain better than I do. Huge success topping or heavy defol one one strain might destroy another.

I’ve had god luck with LST and medium defol at all stages of growth.


im not against a side by side test to see the outcome..
but this makes perfect sense!! if the breeders themselves already did the test during growth/pheno search then it would definitely benefit us growers to follow the outline as close as we can to produce the same quality?

Hey sorry for the Like Bomb! Just got a chance to catch up on your grow! Looking fantastic bro! I am subbed in and following.

appreciate it @Daxxor and welcome!! im a couple weeks behind you but just as eager to see the outcome.


@thedailydose, it was 4 weeks for me yesterday and so it was time to get rid of some leaves so I could work out what was going on and stimulate the plant to do what I want not what she wants. I must admit that after the 2nd shot I was a little bit concerned but then I always feel like this, but then the next day I'm already want to take off a bunch more leaves, which I will in a day or two.

See the White Widow on the right has had all the most succulent perfect large leaves removed. See what all three look like after a lot of leaf and branch pruning, and then see them the next day. You can see that all that happened is the plant immediately filled out the secondary leaves and it looks like better than it did before the chop, at least to my eyes it does.

It just comes down to as Groucho Marx said to Margaret Dumont in one of their films, "who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes". Most people who've done it will be more confident to say that it works because...well you cannot unknow something.

6pm 17th

9pm 18th

1pm 19th

9pm 19th
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appreciate the pictures @member420 ! nothing better than seeing a before and after result :thumbsup: its crazy how much she bounced back after the defoliation!!

need to go check your journals so i can pick up a few things and take some notes!

how often do you defoliate? when do you start? when do you stop and let them fill out?

DAY 41


DAY 42



DAY 38: light leaf defoliation on both plants


DAY 42: end of week 6! 4 days after defoliation


you can see her middle getting bushy again! havent removed anymore leaves but have done more lst adjustment and leaf tucking.

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appreciate the pictures @member420 ! nothing better than seeing a before and after result :thumbsup: its crazy how much she bounced back after the defoliation!!

need to go check your journals so i can pick up a few things and take some notes!

how often do you defoliate? when do you start? when do you stop and let them fill out?

I've got 4 weeks of daily detailed documentation which I only just finished sorting into folders today, (blame it on the vape ©Dudeski) and hopefully in a day or two I'll have my thread updated with a lot of details as well as my thinking. I'll tag you when it's up. There's no point looking at my OG Kush grow because that was my first every auto and I did not have a clue what I was doing with the defoliation, I went by the mega thread at growweedeasy as well as help and encouragement from Tony21, on here.

btw, I couldn't help myself I went in a had to take some more leaves off. It's actually quite important to get the light into some of the early growth to get it out in the open, and your plants looks particularly well suited.
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woke up to this girl looking sick after days without watering...

phosphorus or calcium deficiency?



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Isn't this already showing up in the photos you posted a few days ago?

i assumed the discoloration was caused by nute splash. you can see the older pictures of the plant has green new growth and leaves closest to the top of the bud sites.

damaged buds closes to the soil so i ignored it like a true rookie! got a closer look at the girls today and the symptoms were spreading all over.

DAY 43


DAY 44


DAY 45





- watered GSC with 3gal water
- ph @ 6.34 (yellow pen)
- ph @ 6.44 (apera pen)
- ph around 6.0-6.5 (vial)

went through infirmary for self diagnose

symptoms looks like P or Ca..

- decided to water GSC with 3gal (run off for the first time) to try and flush out the problem

- run off was ORANGE! 3gal of water cleared it up.

- im thinking build up of nutrients causing lockout? ph pen still calibrated and taken care of. SC looks perfectly fine in comparison


- i think i will try to water as close to 6.5 for optimum intake from now on

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Not trying to downplay those spots, but damn! I hope i see something like this in my closet here in a couple weeks!!!!!
My oldest girl is 33 days above ground today so shes gotta bit to go, and the younger girl is 22 days.
I may not express this next thought very well but here goes......growing is a weird hobby/passion/vocation/etc.
Its soothing as all get out to just watch the plants grow, react to light and water and such. Its also nervewracking AF, just watching them grow lol.
Anywho, i hope you are able to fgure out the issues yo! I wanna see your babies make it to the finish line for ya!!!!