New Grower 1st ever grow.Auto Polar Express..Hydro, 600W HPS..

If you ever want to rehydrate weed for a cure, just put a small piece of lettuce in the jar with the buds for a few days. It will increase the humidity and not change the flavor. I would use a piece the size of a stamp for a 8 oz mason jar.

Again, nice tip Hal, just used orange peel, will do lettuce next. Many thanks.
@ baj, I am here for you bro. This site is all about sharing tips and techniques. Most growers I know do not like to tell anyone how to get better. That is not my approach. There should be no patents on knowledge.
Thanks for all of that, yep , I'm going with the brown paper bags. Well its cardboard boxed lined with lots of brown paper.
Got a humidity thing that I put in there. Opened the boxes just now, meter reading is 97% so I guess they're pretty wet still!
Bit worried about them getting mould, will prob split them into a few boxes, so if one does get mould, it might not spread.
I am only on my first grow aswell. Just to keep that in mind.

From what i have seen others do, the Boveda packs and similar products are more useful if you dry the bud more than the optimal 62% for curing. They are made more for keeping cigars from drying than to dry so they let out more than they can take if that makes sense.

I am curious about how the C-Vault Jar ends up working for you. Could be nice and easy to cure with it.

Also from what i have seen some people do, you can theoretically harvest the more mature buds that are higher up and let the lower ones go a few more days to let them mature/ripen a bit more.

The more mature they are the more amber/couch lock it will have. Worse case harvest the top and bottom and separate the batch for night/day.

Just my 2 cents.....
you've been doing your homework CF. great advice all around

Harvested the tops of one plant
Spent a couple of hours trimming all the leaves n stalks. Really should have waited till my little trimmers arrived, using my hands for 2 hours, still cant get them clean ha.

Weight so far form the few bits ive trimmed, is 430grams.
I'm sure that can't be right, that's half a kilo?? I know they will lose a lot of weight in drying anyway.

Rest of the plant, ill let grow for another week along with the second plant.

Will take lots of the smaller buds off the first one and put them in some bubble bag system that arrived today. I'll lose the will to live if I'm trimming every little bud for leaves, best to just shove them all in the bag system.

Have 2 Kilner jars, some 62% of that stuffy stuff . A meter to read the wotsit-humidity? A C-vault jar, and a larger C-Vault jar on the way.
the law of 1/4=107gs at 62% :slap:

@ baj, I am here for you bro. This site is all about sharing tips and techniques. Most growers I know do not like to tell anyone how to get better. That is not my approach. There should be no patents on knowledge.
that's why I dig AFN. nothing but the coolest folk's on the planet sharing the love

Thanks for all of that, yep , I'm going with the brown paper bags. Well its cardboard boxed lined with lots of brown paper.
Got a humidity thing that I put in there. Opened the boxes just now, meter reading is 97% so I guess they're pretty wet still!
Bit worried about them getting mould, will prob split them into a few boxes, so if one does get mould, it might not spread.
sounds like a good plan. a little breathing room should help. damn you are going to be well stocked man. very,very impressive :greenthumb:
@eighthdimension, get them out of those boxes now! That is way too high a humidity, 97%. Get them in paper bags. Then leave those out somewhere. Do not put those into a box or cabinet. You are going to loose a whole grow with that sort of humidity.
Or cut a hole in each end and add a pc fan to one end . I've done that a few times and it works fine. But you need air movement doing it like that.