New Grower 1st ever grow.Auto Polar Express..Hydro, 600W HPS..

Thanks again. Ordered some storage jars and some Boveda 62% stuff. Oh and a jar called C-Vault, which I think is just over priced jar with Boveda in it, but seems to suggest you don't need to keep opening it every day. Ill post how I get on with all that stuff when I'm curing it.

One last question for anyone...
Not having smoked a massive amount of weed in my life, and not knowing the difference really between different strains etc..
Is it possible at all to break off a few big chunks of the plant and dry/start curing at different times? Or would that really kill the plant with me chopping bits off it? If the plants sadly dying anyway cos its at that stage of its life, would it harm it that much, if I started trying to dry in slightly different batches..

I ask, well I read sativia doesn't give you so much of that 'I cant be arsed to move' feeling ha. I got this strain partly cos its easy and low odour but its also a sativa/that other one mix. And also read the longer you leave your plant, the the more of that couch lock feeling will be in the weed?

So if I hacked off two big branches now and started my curing, but then did some more in 3 or so days, whats the worst that would happen?

Really appreciate all your help
Thanks again. Ordered some storage jars and some Boveda 62% stuff. Oh and a jar called C-Vault, which I think is just over priced jar with Boveda in it, but seems to suggest you don't need to keep opening it every day. Ill post how I get on with all that stuff when I'm curing it.

One last question for anyone...
Not having smoked a massive amount of weed in my life, and not knowing the difference really between different strains etc..
Is it possible at all to break off a few big chunks of the plant and dry/start curing at different times? Or would that really kill the plant with me chopping bits off it? If the plants sadly dying anyway cos its at that stage of its life, would it harm it that much, if I started trying to dry in slightly different batches..

I ask, well I read sativia doesn't give you so much of that 'I cant be arsed to move' feeling ha. I got this strain partly cos its easy and low odour but its also a sativa/that other one mix. And also read the longer you leave your plant, the the more of that couch lock feeling will be in the weed?

So if I hacked off two big branches now and started my curing, but then did some more in 3 or so days, whats the worst that would happen?

Really appreciate all your help

I am only on my first grow aswell. Just to keep that in mind.

From what i have seen others do, the Boveda packs and similar products are more useful if you dry the bud more than the optimal 62% for curing. They are made more for keeping cigars from drying than to dry so they let out more than they can take if that makes sense.

I am curious about how the C-Vault Jar ends up working for you. Could be nice and easy to cure with it.

Also from what i have seen some people do, you can theoretically harvest the more mature buds that are higher up and let the lower ones go a few more days to let them mature/ripen a bit more.

The more mature they are the more amber/couch lock it will have. Worse case harvest the top and bottom and separate the batch for night/day.

Just my 2 cents.....
Thanks Canuck. Ill start to harvest some of the bigger buds in the next day or so. Got the C-Vault! so tinu for the price. They only had the small one on Amazon, but its really not going to hold a lot ha.
Also got some bubble bags, so gonna try all that. Should be a fun few days
Harvested the tops of one plant
Spent a couple of hours trimming all the leaves n stalks. Really should have waited till my little trimmers arrived, using my hands for 2 hours, still cant get them clean ha.

Weight so far form the few bits ive trimmed, is 430grams.
I'm sure that can't be right, that's half a kilo?? I know they will lose a lot of weight in drying anyway.

Rest of the plant, ill let grow for another week along with the second plant.

Will take lots of the smaller buds off the first one and put them in some bubble bag system that arrived today. I'll lose the will to live if I'm trimming every little bud for leaves, best to just shove them all in the bag system.

Have 2 Kilner jars, some 62% of that stuffy stuff . A meter to read the wotsit-humidity? A C-vault jar, and a larger C-Vault jar on the way.
And the pics. Bout half is on the scales, half in the bag, and also some pics to show how the plants look now. Still on awful lot on them for making those oil thingummys.
Oh I make it day 65 since the seeds were planted.
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Some nice info from @Hal 8999 about the paper bags. Did not see on your list, are you using these or another drying method? Sorry if you already mentioned.

Harvested the tops of one plant
Spent a couple of hours trimming all the leaves n stalks. Really should have waited till my little trimmers arrived, using my hands for 2 hours, still cant get them clean ha.

Weight so far form the few bits ive trimmed, is 430grams.
I'm sure that can't be right, that's half a kilo?? I know they will lose a lot of weight in drying anyway.

Rest of the plant, ill let grow for another week along with the second plant.

Will take lots of the smaller buds off the first one and put them in some bubble bag system that arrived today. I'll lose the will to live if I'm trimming every little bud for leaves, best to just shove them all in the bag system.

Have 2 Kilner jars, some 62% of that stuffy stuff . A meter to read the wotsit-humidity? A C-vault jar, and a larger C-Vault jar on the way.

Personally I never weigh until at at least 63% RH as its really difficult for me to judge final dry weight from the just harvested weight.

If you don't already have one, I would purchase a pocket microscope, they are cheap and really useful for checking your buds for clear, cloudy or Amber trichomes.
I watch the hairs and leaves to judge ripeness. I hate those magnifying glasses and scopes, but to each his own. The brown bag method is really the only way to go for a small scale grower. It will take roughly a week to dry. The dryer the ambient humidity, the quicker they dry. If in doubt go another day in bags. Better to have over dry weed, than moldy shit. Guys like TaNg have whole write ups about the brown bag method on here.
I watch the hairs and leaves to judge ripeness. I hate those magnifying glasses and scopes, but to each his own. The brown bag method is really the only way to go for a small scale grower. It will take roughly a week to dry. The dryer the ambient humidity, the quicker they dry. If in doubt go another day in bags. Better to have over dry weed, than moldy shit. Guys like TaNg have whole write ups about the brown bag method on here.

Without a doubt my judge for ripeness is the hairs and general look of the plant. But for plants like the Hbss I just did, it had very little orange hairs even when chopped and still looked like it would just keep going, so the scope came in handy, for me anyway.

Couldn't agree more about the drying, have just let my last harvest dry too long for fear of the mold, but better safe than sorry.
@baj, I also like the thin cheap lunch bag style ones more. Some like the big grocery bag style ones. The thin ones breath better for me, and I am always on the look out for mold. Combination of me being in a humid environment, and I like to push my buds as far as I can.
If you ever want to rehydrate weed for a cure, just put a small piece of lettuce in the jar with the buds for a few days. It will increase the humidity and not change the flavor. I would use a piece the size of a stamp for a 8 oz mason jar.