New Grower 1st ever grow.Auto Polar Express..Hydro, 600W HPS..

Oct 26, 2015
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Hi. Thought id share my first ever grow.

On day 26 now, been a bit of a disaster at times.

Actually know very little about weed, and haven't smoked too much, the odd weekend trip to Amsterdam with EasyJet ha. Then started to help some local nuns run their food bank. Id come back with boxes of Cornflakes and some weed.
It was great for my panic, don't really leave the house much. Decided its time to do a grow myself.

Basically I'm trying to say forgive me if my plants look bad, I really am a total noob.

So..the equipment I got..
Digital Ballast with 600w HPS bulb
2 Hydro pots
Fans, humidifier, PH and EC meters, hydro plant food and PH up n down

Mistake made so far...
1. Make sure you have the equipment before doing anything ha.
I put the seedlings under a normal bulb. They sprouted ok, was all quite excited. Got ready to transfer them to my hydro pots. Which was when I realised the hydro pots came with the pots but no pump or air stone in them. Sent back to Amazon. Wait for refund and new one. By now the little plants were getting very long and stringy, trying to reach for the silly low watt house bulb. They started to fall over, got them propped up with a stick.

When the new buckets arrived , transferred them ok. And went to now set up my HPS light.
Was then I realised this is no normal light ha. Read more and discovered I need a ballast thingummy. And a metal hood thing to screw it into. Poor little plants now sitting in their hydro pots with my bedside lamps hanging above them.

Ballast arrived from Amazon with the metal hood thing. Switched on, worked fine, went for some kip. Woke up. Ballast had died. Ballast back to Amazon, fortunately they sent a new one out straight away. New one has been going fine now.

The poor little plants were not in a great way so thin and tall.

Other mistakes made, well I didn't think id need a fan, until the temperature was hitting 30C near the top of the plants. So ordered a fan, then the leaves started to get yellow patches on the edges, got PH meters, and EC meters

Sooo moving on now to day 26. They've clearly recovered and now I'm sure I can see the first signs of the flowery bits and there is a slight whiff ha. Not too much, I read the Polar express is pretty low odour.

The yellow bits have stayed yellow, but thankfully no more yellow spots have appeared.

On to the pics...
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The ph is around 6.0
And the EC meter reads around 1.28

The EC meter had lots of funny modes, but after some googling saw a post saying , use the standard EC one and keep around this level and maybe increase to 1.6?
1st grow and in hydro no less ! looking good and ya..all them thing you think you can do without become necessities to maximize the grow and have them come out pretty. I've only have done soil so my hydro exp. is from watching others. not sure on the ec, but most of the hydro I have watched kept it at about 450-600 ppm. I know theres a conversion chart here some where for that. any way, they are flourishing and the damage done will show its scars but not affect it. don't forget a carbon filter. even less odorous plants aroma can become overwhelming
Day 36. Starting to outgrow the storage room. The one on the right is a lot smaller, I was worrying it might be a male one, but prob just a late developer.
Thanks for the comments ElSamurai, your journals are great, amazing plants.
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