if you dont mind..could you add ml/L of what youre mixing? :Sharing One: that sorta stuff interests me ^^edit..sorry brother..i didnt see the last page b4 i posted

) good stuff
HAPPY 420, decided to spend the day doing some EC testing with my ladies seeing as I couldn't make it to Hyde Park, London for the weed rally.
So after a vape I got scientific and here is some data for you:
Yesterday I paled 4 Litres of room temp 'evaporated' water into my mixing bowl, slightly higher doses of the nutes, injected 4ml of canna A/B, 4.5 ml of rhizo, 5.5ml cannazym, slowly going to introduce boost nutes at micro doses as they pre flower.
I believe the PPM pen I use to be on the Hanna scale, (its the blue ebay one from china), so the EC above of 0.72 before feeding would actually just be over 1.0. (aproxx readings)The run off for Thursday read as follows:
PH: 5.9 PPM: 444 EC: 0.95
PH: 5.9 PPM: 394 EC: 0.8
PH: 5.8 PPM: 440 EC: 0.88
The run off for friday read as follows:
PH:5.8 PPM: 446 EC:0.89
PH:5.8 PPM: 455 EC:0.91
PH:5.9 PPM: 437 EC:
I am putting in 1300ml per plant, today will measure, the ml of run off, and up date with ph and ppm/ec of run off.
About to mix up a 4L batch containing,
A/B: 4ml
and roughly 0.8ml ph down.
Straight out my tap is 227 PPM EC 0.45 PH7.7
My room temp water out the evape bucket is 216 PPM which is like
EC 0.42, PH:8.1
So the EC is is slightly less but whatever it is that causes the drop leaving out in the vented bucket a few days causes the PH to rise.
Adding 4ml A/B to my 4 Litre batch causes PH to drop to 7.2 and PPM to rise to 506 EC:1.0
Adding 5ml Rhizo = PH 7.5 PPM: 495 EC: 0.98
Adding 5ml cannazym = PH: 7.2 PPM: 511 EC:1.02
Adding 1.5ml calmag = PH: 7.3 PPM: 563 EC: 1.11
Adding 0.85ml PH Down = PH:5.5 PPM:580 EC:1.17
So thats my 4L mix, nearly 1.2 EC feed, I will up date with tomorrows run off readings. I test yesterdays run off, the next day I feed, but the run off drips into a zone which the pots do not sit in.
Leaving it for 24hours in the tent environment may evape it and alter readings but its not practical for me to wait for the run off to stop dripping and measure right away.
Just poured in my 1300ml to each lady from the batch, its Day 29.
Heres Day 28's run off readings= 1300ml feed
1)1000ml run off PH: 5.9 PPM: 526 EC: 1.05
2)900ml run off PH: 5.9 PPM: 476 EC: 0.95
3)690ml run off PH: 5.8 PPM: 504 EC: 1.0
- - - Updated - - -
Time for another bag after that essay! But glad I have accurate reading system now, I have lable'd pots and drip buckets so I know which reading is from which plant, so who's feeding the most and the little etc

Will get a pic up tonight, time to get high and go to frankie and bennys (Y)