New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version


Just chilling and enjoying the greenery ✌️
May 10, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Howdy and welcome to my 1st EVER Auto grow!!!!!!
I chose the Royal Dwarf from Royal Queen Seeds for it's ease and very very beginner friendliness and short grow time. Now for the Blue Dream'matic from Fast_Budz I got this one mainly cause it looked good and seen several grows where this girl got FAT and had 10+ colas from LST... That i will doing to all of these.

What I got is [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Royal Dwarf Autos and [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Blue Dream'matic.
First I started [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] dwarfs in a coffee filter that was wet not soaking nor dripping and placed in a Ziploc bag.
Then I took the [HASHTAG]#3rd[/HASHTAG] Dwarf and dropped it in it's final home of a mixture with Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Seed Starter mix from Dollar store.

For the Blue Dream'matic I put it in a coffee filter and also Ziploc bag.
Then after 2 days they sprouted all 4 so 100% germination. I then took all 3 from bags and placed them into a seed starter tray with the mixture of starter and ffof. They took off and done great. Day 3
The one Dwarf placed in soil popped also and looked good. Day 3 we will say..IMG_20190520_115245.jpg
So after couple days not really doing much just leaving alone I checked and they was still going just looked to be twisting ti get light but ok.IMG_20190519_212406.jpg
IMG_20190521_111408.jpg Say day 5 lol so 05-21-2019...
I then transplanted the Blue dream into final pot that's the pic above lol. Did fine held up rest if the day.
Same day I di the 2 dwarfs into solo cups want a ratio of trials to see what's best is why I did this. They was no problem I took the trays and cut the bottoms out and slit the sides so I could place them in their new homes without light getting to the roots and once placed I just slid the tray section out and over top the seedling.
Day 6... The Royal Dwarf in it's final pot from start looked great great plenty of growth seems the way to do it for now.1070262_royal-dwarf-blue-dream-039-matic_xl.jpg
The Blue Dream day 6 also..1070263_royal-dwarf-blue-dream-039-matic_xl.jpg
The 2 dwarfs in solo cup day 6.1070264_royal-dwarf-blue-dream-039-matic_xl.jpg Now as you can these 2 are behind some and small still so just praying and hoping all is good. I HAVE NOT WATERED ANY and I didn't because I soaked my dirt before hand and all are still damp and black so i just use a mister and mist top of the soil not watering really.
Today 5-23-2019 I decided to give some nutes just cheap cheap very low nutes the Jobes Organics all purpose 4-4-4 just to give them a helping hand if needed hints why I went with low low form. Had friends say it would be ok for first but I will need stronger and will get stronger nutes before week 5. But this is the Blue dream day 7.1558661605617591124568.jpg Looks better and bigger to me any ways but I see em constantly lmao.
Day 7 the Royal Dwarf in soil from start..15586617225111660438995.jpg

Now here are the 2 in cups.
1558661780500996781646.jpg 15586618184901611199650.jpg They are slowly coming along so dint think I'll do the tray to cup again results speak for themselves lol..
Now anyone asking pH and ppm and lights and all that I Don't Know lol.
Just know temp stays steady 82f during day when box is open and at night when closed and sealed it's bout 85f the lights I'm using are all extra house hold bulbs I had lying round the led kind with cap off got one blurple grow light cheap lol and 1 1600lumen 5000k light with 25 LEDs and other 2 are regular 5000k LEDs and also 2 2700k that are just side lights not on plants just a bounce of bucket to try n help keep it lit up. Well that's that hope you all follow me along on this journey and pray to pot Pope's they grow big bushy dank rock hard buds lol.. Thanks to all and stay tuned!!!!!
hi and :welcome: @Trav*newgrower* :pass:so far so good :watering:
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie gemmill :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

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New Member Intros
why not do an intro,tell us something about yourself your grow or your ferret :shrug:
Live Stoner Gossip bit lost or stuck,got a question ? a cuppa tea getting cold and a rocket to burn ?:coffee::smokeout:
some Guides and Tutorials:laptop:
start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

have a good look around,click on some signature links.

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
Yes I have been round for a few weeks I recently won in the Mars hydro ts2000 giveaway I got the foil bag yeaaaa lol and have couple people.ive meet here and talk to and and been to several forums for advice I thought I posted my journal last week but it vanished lol
Howdy and welcome to my 1st EVER Auto grow!!!!!!
I chose the Royal Dwarf from Royal Queen Seeds for it's ease and very very beginner friendliness and short grow time. Now for the Blue Dream'matic from Fast_Budz I got this one mainly cause it looked good and seen several grows where this girl got FAT and had 10+ colas from LST... That i will doing to all of these.

What I got is [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] Royal Dwarf Autos and [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Blue Dream'matic.
First I started [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] dwarfs in a coffee filter that was wet not soaking nor dripping and placed in a Ziploc bag.
Then I took the [HASHTAG]#3rd[/HASHTAG] Dwarf and dropped it in it's final home of a mixture with Fox Farms Ocean Forest and Seed Starter mix from Dollar store.

For the Blue Dream'matic I put it in a coffee filter and also Ziploc bag.
Then after 2 days they sprouted all 4 so 100% germination. I then took all 3 from bags and placed them into a seed starter tray with the mixture of starter and ffof. They took off and done great. Day 3
View attachment 1062988
The one Dwarf placed in soil popped also and looked good. Day 3 we will say..View attachment 1062987
So after couple days not really doing much just leaving alone I checked and they was still going just looked to be twisting ti get light but ok.View attachment 1062989
View attachment 1062990 Say day 5 lol so 05-21-2019...
I then transplanted the Blue dream into final pot that's the pic above lol. Did fine held up rest if the day.
Same day I di the 2 dwarfs into solo cups want a ratio of trials to see what's best is why I did this. They was no problem I took the trays and cut the bottoms out and slit the sides so I could place them in their new homes without light getting to the roots and once placed I just slid the tray section out and over top the seedling.
Day 6... The Royal Dwarf in it's final pot from start looked great great plenty of growth seems the way to do it for now.View attachment 1062993
The Blue Dream day 6 also..View attachment 1062994
The 2 dwarfs in solo cup day 6.View attachment 1062996 Now as you can these 2 are behind some and small still so just praying and hoping all is good. I HAVE NOT WATERED ANY and I didn't because I soaked my dirt before hand and all are still damp and black so i just use a mister and mist top of the soil not watering really.
Today 5-23-2019 I decided to give some nutes just cheap cheap very low nutes the Jobes Organics all purpose 4-4-4 just to give them a helping hand if needed hints why I went with low low form. Had friends say it would be ok for first but I will need stronger and will get stronger nutes before week 5. But this is the Blue dream day 7.View attachment 1063001 Looks better and bigger to me any ways but I see em constantly lmao.
Day 7 the Royal Dwarf in soil from start..View attachment 1063005

Now here are the 2 in cups.
View attachment 1063009 View attachment 1063010 They are slowly coming along so dint think I'll do the tray to cup again results speak for themselves lol..
Now anyone asking pH and ppm and lights and all that I Don't Know lol.
Just know temp stays steady 82f during day when box is open and at night when closed and sealed it's bout 85f the lights I'm using are all extra house hold bulbs I had lying round the led kind with cap off got one blurple grow light cheap lol and 1 1600lumen 5000k light with 25 LEDs and other 2 are regular 5000k LEDs and also 2 2700k that are just side lights not on plants just a bounce of bucket to try n help keep it lit up. Well that's that hope you all follow me along on this journey and pray to pot Pope's they grow big bushy dank rock hard buds lol.. Thanks to all and stay tuned!!!!!
A few random auto knowledge, just from some research. Almost everything I am about to tell you comes from reading. I know it's a hell of a thing. Autos do not like to be transplanted, not to say people don't, but transplant shock can stunt growth, for a week say, and really hurt yields because they are going into flower no matter what size they are so it's recommended to run straight in final containers. Yours do not seem to have cared so good job! As for the soil I can attest to that. I am running fox farm ocean forest, ffof, at only 40% ratio and the rest is a basic soil and Perlite so no nutes really and I didn't even have to feed til at least almost 3 weeks. Ffof is a really hot soil and from lots of research and my own grow I can say it's jam packed already. I have done one feed at 1/4 strength in the entire cycle of my plants that are at 3 weeks now. Autos are less nutes hungry, and as I stated for transplant shock any slowed growth due to burn=lower yield, so make sure to tone it back a bit!

Temps might be a little high for night time. Like I said before autos are a little more touchy than photos. As ruderalis originally grew in cold northern climates, they can be a little touchy to excessive heat. I have literally read that in dam near every research article to date. Just fyi. They like it around your lights on temps max apparently and then up to 15°F cooler at night temps/lights off.

Ok I'm rambling but I want to give my two cents and to say that the babes look great! Can't wait to follow along and I'll throw out anything I run into as I'm only a few weeks ahead of you. Good luck and happy growing :pass:
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@Illini4life thank you for the tips I seen people saying transplanting was bad but i kinda wanted to see first hand since that's best way to learn on anything. The ffof I was worried seen lots say it's to hot but have a friend on another diary site that's been a huge help and has a lot of grows and they are awesome lol so he's helped me so far to get here. I think from here out I'll kill my 2700k lights that are just off to side to help light up box not on the plant got 5000k led lights on them. I think I'll wait til Friday next week and go ahead and transplant the 2 in cups to buckets but I am putting one in a shallow bucket like 2 gallon to see how it does it's a royal dwarf so it'll be small just want to see how it does. Today I had the second set of true leaves pop out when I checked em ans they are rocking right now lol the tiny bit of nutes I gave was low low low value type 4-4-4 jobes organics all purpose so I gave like 1/4 cup amd called for 2 and a half cups per plant but I made a tea like out of it and slowly been giving them maybe 1/8th cup in morning since my soil is still damp under the surface don't want to over water.
Today's update day 8 5/24/2019 they look great popping new leaves and getting bigger....IMG_20190524_134524.jpg IMG_20190524_134512.jpg IMG_20190524_134503.jpg IMG_20190524_134443.jpg
So check em out and let me know what y'all think.. thanks for stopping by and say hi