@Olderfart you're brining up a VERY good point about getting oxygen to the roots.
I'm running a test with some seeds right now in mini solo cups (shot glass size).
In coco mixed with 25% perlite, the average weight of each mini solo,....waterlogged is about 33grams.
Waterlogged meaning, until run off through some holes in the bottom of the mini solo cups.
Once my germ'd seeds are put into the mini solos.
The mini solos lose about 1/2 their weight in water a day!!!!!
So there is a fine balance between over watering and actually letting the roots get some oxygen..
The same test was run in the last couple of days in a regular solo cup (same coco mix).
The seedling started showing all kinds of signs of being over watered (naturally the cup is 8Oz. vs 2Oz.)
So this brings up the question : can you over water in Coco,...YES,...but that is relative to the seedlings size.
Which is why jiffy's and root riots exist. (to defeat this over watering situation.).
40% perlite huh Otto?...
Wow,..no doubt the ratio is good,...but can we do it for less than the price of Perlite...there's a thought?
I did notice in my last grow of dwarf auto's,....
The plants grew to about 15 inches high, yet the roots were only about 4 inches below surface (grown in smartpots).
This may have been because of under watering in soil (Promix HP).