Indoor $1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile?

$1.50 Seed Grow! Are cheap seeds worthwhile?

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Seedlings looking good, the one died, looks like damping of ( pythium ). The rest have tripled in size. They were TINY at sprout!

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Isn't it funny how tiny they can be @ the start especially compared to how big they can be. Hey by the way how's the ghost and the trainwreck doing I'm not getting all my updates
Blue Berry Ghost OG. I'll get a Trainwreck pic in a little while. That leave in the pic is a Brandywine tomato cutting just stuck in the corner.

Blueberry Ghost OG pic1 -5-31-2020.jpg

Isn't it funny how tiny they can be @ the start especially compared to how big they can be. Hey by the way how's the ghost and the trainwreck doing I'm not getting all my updates
Trainwreck after Defol ( I'm an amateur at this, I rarely do heavy defol ). She'll get another round in a couple days. She'll be posted also in the other thread. Did a heavy defol on the Black and Blue also.

Trainwreck after defol pic1 -6-2-2020.jpg
Man I'm super jealous you guys received your orders. My mail lately has been messed up. Even Amazon packages are way late all the sudden. Did you opt for the extra shipping? I'm just about over it at this point but I took a big risk with not paying extra shipping and this pandemic isn't making things easier.
Man I'm super jealous you guys received your orders. My mail lately has been messed up. Even Amazon packages are way late all the sudden. Did you opt for the extra shipping? I'm just about over it at this point but I took a big risk with not paying extra shipping and this pandemic isn't making things easier.
They shipped mine same day I ordered. Fasting shipping ever. Mail is messed up right now across the board.
I always pay the extra shipping and never have had an order intercepted that way. I've gotten my orders from Linda in as little as four days!

Man I'm super jealous you guys received your orders. My mail lately has been messed up. Even Amazon packages are way late all the sudden. Did you opt for the extra shipping? I'm just about over it at this point but I took a big risk with not paying extra shipping and this pandemic isn't making things easier.
I sent them one last email basically asking if I should just give up on this order and they're really good at responding within 24-48 hours. Very nice people and very emphatic. Next time for sure I'll opt for the extra shipping. Hopefully they'll toss me a coupon or something and I can try again. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
All shipping worldwide is pretty slow these days.
Had some other non-grow-related stuff from the US recently, took ages to get through the airport on their side.