New Grower 00 seeds Northern Lights auto

Well they're looking purdy, yours are short and fat, mine taller and thinner, looks like the difference between LED and that big round thing in the sky! Am pleased with how they handled the heat, 110 friday and 105 yesterday. Direct sun... was a little worried about such small ladies, kept running out to look for stress. Never saw any, so the sunshade stayed put. Looks like it'll be cooler today. My big girls on a growth run, was about to put up a screen, but know I think I'll wait another month and keep spreading her out. I've not seen alot of outdoor scrogs, so this'll be interesting. Will probably end up with a screen that's 4x6! She's gonna be big! Hope I can afford to feed her!
Thanks. Ya mine are growing side shoots like crazy! The vertical height isn't going to much but I have tons of shoots all over the place.
Will be cool to see who's will do better. Old mother nature versus LED.
My tent has been hitting 31 for a few hours a day but there handling it well too.

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Day 22,

Photo girl has recovered nicely from her haircut

The 2 autos staring to get some growth goin.

Sorry for the upside down pics, I'm left handed, and have realized that I naturally hold the phone backwards... pics stay this way even when I correct in the gallery... I'll try and do better!

Still not seeing any sexy bits...
Man the outdoor is definitely alot taller than my indoor. But mine are so bushy.
Hope mine start to stretch some soon.
Your babies look great!

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Man the outdoor is definitely alot taller than my indoor. But mine are so bushy.
Hope mine start to stretch some soon.
Your babies look great!

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Too bad we can't swap a little of each!

60 more days... come on September!
Day 23

Girls are looking good, these things really do move along... you can see a difference after just a few hrs, quite suprizing.
Day 24, still not seeing sex indications, but what ya gonna do? There in the ground and seem to be growing well... so I'll just continue feeding and showering with love. They'll do their thing in their own time.

Hope everyone has a stony day, take a toke for me.
Looking good man. I just noticed pistil on mine this morning!

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Looking good man. I just noticed pistil on mine this morning!

Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

Right on! Figured we both had to be close, hoping to see some myself by the end of the week. But after alot of meditation and contemplation, have come to the conclusion that healthy is all I should be looking for, they'll do the rest when it's their time!

Saw your pics a little earlier, looks like it's going well! Keep giving them love, am actually anxious to compare our end of August, early September pics!