New Grower 00 seeds Northern Lights auto

hey buddy looking sweet there! wish i could grow outside. you just cant compete yieldwise with the sun lol.
Quick update day 14. Little ones are doing well, and the big girl is really chugging!
Day 15, A couple pics of the little ladies, just as the sun starts peeking over the trees. All looks well, and we're off to another beautiful summer day!
just in case anybody was wondering,
Being dry still sucks.
Hey Arthur plants are looking good! I know I'm kinda late to respond to something on the first page but I live in California as well and tried my best to find everclear but no luck. I've also heard iso isn't the safest for extractions. I've found this 200 proof ethanol on Amazon it worked great for me winterizing my BHO I made. Not sure what method you're gonna try but I'd say go for the ethanol instead.


Good luck with your grow I'm doing an outdoor grow as well and one of my plants hermied on me [emoji24] I think it's gonna hit triple digits again soon.
Yea, I've done alot of iso extractions, and have been hearing the same stuff... so a a switch would be appropriate, or break down and buy a press. My wallet says not right now...
So day 16, everybody looks good to me, but my lack of auto experience has me continually second guessing my self. Thoughts from others? First 2 pics plant 1, then the photo-girl, then 2 pics plant 2
Hey Arthur plants are looking good! I know I'm kinda late to respond to something on the first page but I live in California as well and tried my best to find everclear but no luck. I've also heard iso isn't the safest for extractions. I've found this 200 proof ethanol on Amazon it worked great for me winterizing my BHO I made. Not sure what method you're gonna try but I'd say go for the ethanol instead.


Good luck with your grow I'm doing an outdoor grow as well and one of my plants hermied on me
I think it's gonna hit triple digits again soon.

On the plant that hermied, was it a full blown showing balls herm? I had a couple photos yrs ago that would throw the occasional nanner, and I'd either clip them, or cover that nug with a breathable bag so it would only seed the 1 nug. Not alot of fun, but it worked...
Yeah around day 20 she started to show some balls instead of pistils but it turned into a mic of both. I've been plucking them as I see them so I hope I can salvage her. Out of three plants one has already died so I don't want to lose another!
Day 17 for the little ones... LST begins, given these are my first autos, I'm not going to top. I can experiment later, right now the hoo-hoo locker needs filling... an added thought, these are planted along my south fence, so as the days move twards fall, that fence throws a bigger shadow... so lsting to the north, and letting them go natural, will allow the colas to get farther from the fence, and out into more direct sun.
big girl giving me warm fuzzies... wish I was seeing more indica dominance... going to be a long fall...