New Grower 00 seeds Northern Lights auto

The new additions will go outside as well, just waiting for them to gain some size before moving them to the garden soil. Way to hot for the little ones in direct light! looks like they'll get cut first week of September, no nutes on those yet, won't start feeding those till @ least day 10.

Have always grown photos, these 3 will be my first autos.

The other is a photo-girl that I started in march, indoors, with the intention of moving outside and growing in a container. Temps were hot enough to give me heat issues in the root area, so she got moved next to the corn. She was planted in FFHF, and when I moved her to the soil, I dug out a 3ft by 3 ft area and filled around her with FFOF.
She gets a regular diet of organics, with alternating supliments of unsulfered molasses.

She's been topped, topped, and topped again, and did a FIM on her maybe 2 weeks ago. Lots of lst, shes just overy 3 ft across now and it's time for her to go up, not out. I'll set her up with a screen at maybe 24" off the soil to keep her spread out and get the light down and in. Not bad for a bag seed girl eh?
Planing to get a tent set up this fall, and get rolling inside. Have been away from growing for several years now, and given the legalizing here, feel comfortable going back to one of my favorite hobbies!
Awesome start.
Man, first canna I grew and just complete was Northern Lights Auto (Vision Seeds) and man am I impressed.
I harvested with only one or two amber trics, and man the high is pretty sweet.
Hardy plants, you will do well, and the smoke will be class.
Well I brought the little ones in yesterday late morning, Temps skyrocketing here. We had a high of 109. Didn't want to stress the little ladies, so inside where it's cooler... today, I'll let them catch morning sun, and then move to the patio table... will keep an eye on them as the temp climbs thru the day. Looks like we'll be back to normal weather @ the end of the week, as off shore breeyes return, so am hoping to get them moved to their spot maybe Friday morning. Big photo-girl is eatin the heat like it's nothin, and there's an obvious stretch goin on there.

Stay cool all. I think the heat stresses me more than the girls.
Well we only hit 104 today.... spent the afternoon digging out the girls new home, mixed up some soil and refilled. Used an old white sheet over 3 tomato cages for a sun cover to give them time to get comfortable before exposing them to full sun... ya know, if I hadn't germinated these seeds it'd probably be in the 80s.

Ladies have all been outside on the patio all day, and look healthy, so I think, given the cooler temp of being in the ground and shaded, they'll be fine.

Starting to see corn ears apearing, and my peppers are loving the weather, I did find an odd pheno in the corn...

Interesting color of the silk, none of the others have it. Wonder if she's suck in of the nutes my photo gets? Glad everythingis organic!
Well, offshore breeze came up the delta and cooled us off last night. I took the opportunity to get the little ones in the ground and build a makeshift sun shade. This morning Temps are a good 10* lower than yesterday. While I know it's gonna be hot, don't think we're going to see the Temps we've had the last few. The girls spent the whole day on the patio, under the overhang, and didn't flinch at the Temps so into the dirt with ya!
Am going to have to pay a little more attention to my watering, given the high temps, I over watered the big lady yesterday afternoon, but this morning she's recovered... lesson learned...
Peace all
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Day 8
Looks like we made it through the heat, yesterday didn't go over 92 and today starting off cool
One of the northern lights got caught by the hot afternoon sun 2 days ago, it fried the stalk, and she folded over. But continues to be green, so I buried her up to her neck, expect I'm going to loose her, but ya never know...the
others are looking good.
Ok, roughly day 9, the two that recieved no sun damage are doing well, the other...well, she keeps hanging on, so I'll do what I can... the photo girl sure is looking nice
  1. 20170628_084406.jpg

Day 11, as you can see in the first pic, this is the little one that got beaten down by heavy sun on a way hot day... she's still holding on, so I'll bear with her... but I did pull several cuttings off the photo girl and get them prepped and in the humidity dome in case I have space that needs filling...

Big girl got a defoliation, and looks much more it September yet?
Well the damaged girl is done, she finally gave in to the inevitable... hopefully I'll have a couple clones ti fill the void in a week or so. The other two are looking good and the photo lady is starting to really reach for the sky.