Druid's little grow thread

Yuss, I finally got em \o/




For an old coco fiend like me these things are a true quality of life upgrade. Finally I can water for decent runoff every time without having to have a drain in the tub below and I don't have to worry about them sitting in it either.

Zoom in a bit on the white widow on the right on yesterday's and today's pictures, you'll see that she had some deficiency. Which in coco is easily fixable by just watering a bit more. So far I'd always done it propped up on a bucket in front of the tent. This is so much nicer.

Oh man, I'd love to go there but I live on the opposite side. Maybe there'll be more fairs now that the whole legal process for the shops and whatnot has begun.

does the pyramid not fit on the drain master without the tray? Crazy how white the pyramid actually became under your regime. Still the plant is happy. Looks very happy indeed. Nice.
It'd fit on there perfectly but I don't water from the top, every day I put 2L into the tray and the plant just sucks it up. If I had a top watering system like a dripper I could just sit it on the thing directly. Honestly, I love the look of it. I'm sure the outside must be so toxic it's not air pruning anymore but salt-pruning the roots :D
I'm gonna take some pictures tomorrow, she's even happier now. After removing a few fan-leaves to prevent condensation the buds look even more impressive now. I'm sure there's a manscaped joke in there somewhere.
Days 56, 39, 28:


The Epsilon on the pyramid is slowing down her water uptake despite warmer temps, I should decrease the nutes. A few days ago I also removed some fan leaves, the days after that she sipped the same 1.5 to 2L a day but the last day she only drank 1 and the pyramid was still quite saturated.


She was supposed to be a 60 day plant but with 4 days left on that idea and at least a week more to go, i grow ever more skeptical.

The Strawberry Cola is keeping her shape after I removed the training net and anchors. That's a very sturdy plant and I expect it to be a little colah monstah.


The White Widow has also begun stretching to the best of her abilities, so I culled a few branches and trained her a little bit.


There isn't a whole lot of space left in the tent. Next time, I think I'll only do 2 plants at once.


Having the cube on top of the pot like that has been a difficulty when watering, would not recommend. But check out the big roots anchoring it down. That's pretty cool.


For both of them I removed the tiny lower branches and only left a crown of flowers. Like an akacia tree.


You know what the funniest thing is?! Before I got into growing cannabis and knew anything about lolypopping or the like, I was into bonsai. Regular trees and chillies..


I've been doing the same thing all this time. Same shape, same coco. lol

What a weird realization.

Edit: The pot is a net pot, like you'd use for pond plants.. air pruning, baby!
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I can't believe that I made this post only yesterday morning. It's like 3 days have already passed in the tent, the Epsilon was bone dry, as were the other two. Funny thing is, we've had rainy weather and quite low temps the last 2 days.. soooo that's weird. Even weirder is the amount the two on the right have grown. I forgot to take photos, gonna make some tomorrow. The Strawberry Cola's buds are actually starting to look bud-shaped and the White Widow has grown at least 2cm in all directions and is looking like a green sphere again. Crazy.

I'm sitting here worried about the low temps and high humidity and the plants are having the time of their lives in the tent.

Since Dinafem is no more, do you have an idea where I could still get some of the genetics? I'm specifically looking for the old Moby Dick Auto. In the next round I wanna grow some moby dicks again, love the hazy white widow´-ness of it. And the bang it has, to be honest. I still got some newish photo seeds of it but in summer I try to avoid light dependent flowers.
This is what I mean.. these were the last 30 days:


The white widow on the right gonna be so fine. I think I managed to get the perfect structure on this one, check it out, a crown of 8 arms around two central ones:



I hope the epsilon on the left finishes rather soon, I'd love to have more space to pull this one a little wider, I'd love a little christmas tree in the summer. Kinda australian.

The Strawberry Cola is going at it now with the flowering


You can already see the structures :)


And remember in the days of yore.. like a week ago.. when I was afraid the epsilon wouldn't be filling out enough? I think we're gonna be fiiine.


But I do actually hope that she finished quickly because she's showing signs of heavy nute imbalances and there is no way in hell I can get all that salt off the pyramid. So it's a race to the end.
lol - so simple, brush it off and wash it off ;-) There is nothing to do harm to in the salt crust. and you can easily take the pyramid wherever you want to.
But I guess it will not be necessary to intervene - you'll have fun with the harvest.

yeah, I could.. but I'm a bit lazy and keen to harvest. it is my first harvest in a few years. and legal on top. still hard to believe sometimes.