Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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So i asked a guy today how hard would it be to find or grow a strain in the 30% range for thc content. He said it isnt really possible. Is this true or no.
I think it is but percentage is bullshit because the drier the bud the higher all the cannabanoid. You take water out it's lighter therefore more weight is thc so some places test bone dry and sell it moist. Want to have more resin you need sugars kelp alfalfa crab meal they all have plant steroids that increase resin you need to be a good grower
I think it is but percentage is bullshit because the drier the bud the higher all the cannabanoid. You take water out it's lighter therefore more weight is thc so some places test bone dry and sell it moist. Want to have more resin you need sugars kelp alfalfa crab meal they all have plant steroids that increase resin you need to be a good grower
Agree on THC % being bullshit. I'll take terpine % almost every time. Louder the better as far as I'm concerned
Agree on THC % being bullshit. I'll take terpine % almost every time. Louder the better as far as I'm concerned
I mean I generally agree but let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. Id rather terps too but if your going for highest yielding resin for rosin it's something to take into consideration. But if you have a whole plant it may not matter if you have to squish more
I prefer my home pressed rosin favorite so far would be Rucu cucu OG banana bread but there's been a few others too.. No clue on percentage's but would think 30% is at the top of the range :shrug:
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