Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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I did explicitly tell him I wasn't touching it, regardless of how he decides to grow it lmao. I have no patience for flowering a plant for the same amount of time I could run a tent of autos start to finish lmfao. Plus besides the general stuff I've absorbed from being here I know very little about any sort of hydro (be it coco or full on hydro) anyways as it's always seemed much too fiddly for me.
My strawberry growtent​

Thanks for the rep @Mañ'O'Green! She's not afraid of anything, which is great but also a pain cause you can't just make a loud noise to spook her when she's trying to get into something she shouldn't be lmao. She's very very chill though, and she's obsessed with #3. Like, when I close her in my room to go tuck #3 in she will stand at my door and howl until I come back and then bolt down the hall as soon as I open the door and just sit and wait for me to let her into her room lmao. I've started just bringing her with me lol. We usually bring her back in here before we go to sleep but we've woken up at 7 to her crying at her door to come use her box on a few occasions.
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