I Hope it goes well for you
@WildBill ....

...we've all got to be a bit Human sometimes.
We had exactly the same when we flooded down here....everyone in our whole town turned it into a refugee camp helping people in the town further back which was lower lying and flooded worse with rooms..food and clothing....
Sometimes Human are Amazing.....

Well, they didn't embarrass me too much, did pass the hat and I didn't cry too much.
It was a great meeting and I met a lot of people.
The founder and I had quite a convo, thank god it wasn't about my current situation. I guess I had made some racing and/or tuning comment in our prior convo and he was curious about the extent about of my experience and knowledge. It seems both of us were pretty much the same thing almost 20yrs ago,,,,,,,turning wrenches, tuning and racing. He made the comment about how long it's been since he's talked about these things, since no one knew wtf he was talking about.
It was a struggle. Even with fairly heavy canna coffee and many one hitters, my pain was beating my ass. I guess the inflammation was flaring quite a bit. My right leg, from butt down, was going thru the entire range of nerve problems, from pain to fire, tingling numbness and weakened control................and then the left chimed in!
When I pulled on to the main road when leaving, that one hitter came out. Got some ease, but got da munchies, yeah, I just ate two chilie dogs. Golden Chicken Spicy Tenders got the nod!
Overall, It was a good night.