Hey Friends
You are looking at one happy camper you guys...Look at them pompom's.

This is my lady in waiting, the small pheno. But oh, does she produce a nice set of flowers and clearly she isn't done yet.
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A lot has been going on lately...One is that I've sprayed them again...with Boom Boom Spray, that is. Guessed the ladies deserved a nice treatment after the distress they've been in. That Boom Boom spray does my ladies good. Some extra nutrition combined with plant based goodies.
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Mixed up 1ml with 200ml water and shook it well before applying it from top to bottom. For my 60x60cm tent this is more then enough to give all the plants a nice dousing.
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Then dropped the light intensity to 20% for about an hour and slowly took it back to where it was before the spraying. ie, 73%, which gives me a DLI of 42Mole, nice
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Healthy looking plants. And also cool how they shed their own leaves when deploid of nutrients...Amazing how nature works, right?
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I also helped the plants along by removing the fan leaves which were interfering with the space of another plant.
ie, If it produced a shadow on another plant, it got removed.
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This resulted in below removed leaves. Some of them look really healty, which were removed by above mentioned priciple. Other, which look yellow fell off or came of when touched lightly. Better to remove them before they start to mold up on the soil's surface.
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This created some space between the plants. Good for air movement and light to get to them lowers. The downside is that I've just removed a couple of the plant's solar panels.
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Just before she got plucked underneath her skirt.
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My large pheno lady. I'm starting to get high hopes for this one...Let me explain. Since I've always wanted to do a DWC, I'm planning to do a "one big plant DWC" next season. The tank I'll be using is 70L, but only 50L will be used. The rest is to keep the pot secured in the top of the canister. But more on that on a later date.
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The underside of the ladies after removing the surplus leaves.
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Front left and back left are the two ladies in waiting. The rest is present for my pleasure
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Other angle...
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Last picture, I promise
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Hehe, to end today's post another time lapse. Duration = 55 hours, speed = 30fps. Enjoy
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