NEWS Legalization hasn't happened yet


Alienated by the War on Drugs
Cultivators Club
Sep 28, 2021
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Currently Smoking
Mango Smile
People are starting to feel like cannabis is legal. It isn't, not really. Granted, this is a case of the government taking advantage of powers it shouldn't have, just for revenue, but it has reminded one family that legal cannabis is not a thing.

In Michigan, in less than four years since voters passed an initiative to legalize recreational marijuana the dispensaries have opened up everywhere that competition has lowered prices drastically.

In the mid 1970's Mexican weed on the black market sold for $25.00 an ounce. Columbian weed was about $40.00 an ounce.

I've seen recent dispensaries running sales at around $30.00 an ounce locally and they have discounts for seniors, veterans, etc which lowers the prices more.

State licensing isn't cheap for dispensary owners. I don't see how they can continue in business long with prices cratering in the legal market.
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In Michigan, in less than four years since voters passed an initiative to legalize recreational marijuana the dispensaries have opened up everywhere that competition has lowered prices drastically.

In the mid 1970's Mexican weed on the black market sold for $25.00 an ounce. Columbian weed was about $40.00 an ounce.

I've seen recent dispensaries running sales at around $30.00 an ounce locally and they have discounts for seniors, veterans, etc which lowers the prices more.

State licensing isn't cheap for dispensary owners. I don't see how they can continue in business long with prices cratering in the legal market.
A weeding out process I think. In the end it will be the connected big money operations that survive while the mom n pops will have gone out of business. Which of course if they jusy come out and say only the big guys can operate it wouldn't be legal, so they let em try to compete but in the end it will be the corporarte places that can add to their election coffers that will survive.
A weeding out process I think. In the end it will be the connected big money operations that survive while the mom n pops will have gone out of business. Which of course if they jusy come out and say only the big guys can operate it wouldn't be legal, so they let em try to compete but in the end it will be the corporarte places that can add to their election coffers that will survive.
I think you hit the nail right on the head.
In Michigan you have a company with deep pockets crushing out all the competition as soon as they bankrupt everyone prices will go up and stabilize.

States rights in america are something of a misnomer, vote all you want they do not take precedent or protect you from federal law. For the most part the federal government has bigger problems and disrupting a revenue stream for states is not going to help them any.

I for the life of me cannot figure out how people think they voted something in though(i mean you did but under their conditions). If you truly voted it in(the licencing fees would be like a normal business based on sales and you did not have any say on the insane tax rates. For the love of god I do not go to dispensaries just out of principle. 25% tax rate is out of hand that is a higher rate than most pay in federal income taxes. I guess that is why the black market is still strong in most places with legalization.
Colorado's flower market took a MASSIVE HIT this last year. MASSIVE. I have never seen more grows go out of business, sell their licenses, or otherwise shut their doors. Not even just small guys, but even bigger companies.

"Cookies" brand (sorry not a Berner fan,) tested for mold soooooooooooo many times from their own facilities it's not even funny.

At my last farm; we were getting barely over $200 a dry pound for the outdoor grown weed (outdoor grown weed ALWAYS, ALWAYS sells for drastically less than indoor grown cannabis; it's considered an inferior product by most consumers. Hell I don't even like to smoke outdoor grown weed; shit's nasty lol. Nothing like the cattle yard wind-whipped poopy dust in your weed. lol)

Bio-mass (which is the entire plant, to be broke down and processed into concentrates like distillate) was selling for $17/pound. Seventeen dollars.

The cost to produce a single pound has far, far far exceeded that actual profit per pound; which has forced the hand of so many businesses to just go out of business. Because they didn't limit the licenses for cultivation (which ordinarily that doesn't sound like a bad thing, right,?) all these dumb shit owners bought acreages and said "well, it's just basic farming, right?"

"We don't have to grow good weed, we just have to grow a lot of weed."

Everyone had this mentality. And so they did, they didn't grow good weed, they just grew a lot of weed. And now the market has soooooooooo much flower in it; and it's garbage, that the dispensaries (who haven't been effected by this at all, that $1500/pound weed they sold for $120 oz still sells for $120/oz when they are buying it for $200/pound wholesale,) now have shelves full of overflow, garbage pot. Because why pay a premium when mom-and-pa pot grower are liquidating their assets?

But on the other hand? FUCK 'EM. Fat greedy ass pigs that built million dollar facilities with zero thought into efficiency and sustainability. People that have/had no right to be in this business going out of business. Not everyone, that's not fair to paint with super broad strokes, but many, many of these companies deserve to go out of business.
In Michigan you have a company with deep pockets crushing out all the competition as soon as they bankrupt everyone prices will go up and stabilize.

States rights in america are something of a misnomer, vote all you want they do not take precedent or protect you from federal law. For the most part the federal government has bigger problems and disrupting a revenue stream for states is not going to help them any.

I for the life of me cannot figure out how people think they voted something in though(i mean you did but under their conditions). If you truly voted it in(the licencing fees would be like a normal business based on sales and you did not have any say on the insane tax rates. For the love of god I do not go to dispensaries just out of principle. 25% tax rate is out of hand that is a higher rate than most pay in federal income taxes. I guess that is why the black market is still strong in most places with legalization.
In Florida they are pulling every trick they can to keep rec off the ballot because all polls show it has 70 to 75 % approval and would pass on a ballot measure. So they change rules after it's too late to fix, discredit signatures when it's too late to get more etc......Current med laws have it all tied up into a complete stream profile now that is being challenged in court. To operate in any part of the business growing, dispensing, delivering have to be in all of it and have all the required permits for each stage making sure small business can't even get their foot in the door.
Colorado's flower market took a MASSIVE HIT this last year. MASSIVE. I have never seen more grows go out of business, sell their licenses, or otherwise shut their doors. Not even just small guys, but even bigger companies.

"Cookies" brand (sorry not a Berner fan,) tested for mold soooooooooooo many times from their own facilities it's not even funny.

At my last farm; we were getting barely over $200 a dry pound for the outdoor grown weed (outdoor grown weed ALWAYS, ALWAYS sells for drastically less than indoor grown cannabis; it's considered an inferior product by most consumers. Hell I don't even like to smoke outdoor grown weed; shit's nasty lol. Nothing like the cattle yard wind-whipped poopy dust in your weed. lol)

Bio-mass (which is the entire plant, to be broke down and processed into concentrates like distillate) was selling for $17/pound. Seventeen dollars.

The cost to produce a single pound has far, far far exceeded that actual profit per pound; which has forced the hand of so many businesses to just go out of business. Because they didn't limit the licenses for cultivation (which ordinarily that doesn't sound like a bad thing, right,?) all these dumb shit owners bought acreages and said "well, it's just basic farming, right?"

"We don't have to grow good weed, we just have to grow a lot of weed."

Everyone had this mentality. And so they did, they didn't grow good weed, they just grew a lot of weed. And now the market has soooooooooo much flower in it; and it's garbage, that the dispensaries (who haven't been effected by this at all, that $1500/pound weed they sold for $120 oz still sells for $120/oz when they are buying it for $200/pound wholesale,) now have shelves full of overflow, garbage pot. Because why pay a premium when mom-and-pa pot grower are liquidating their assets?

But on the other hand? FUCK 'EM. Fat greedy ass pigs that built million dollar facilities with zero thought into efficiency and sustainability. People that have/had no right to be in this business going out of business. Not everyone, that's not fair to paint with super broad strokes, but many, many of these companies deserve to go out of business.
Hopefully sometime in the future it'll wash out where the only people bothering to do it are those of us actually wanting to produce a good product for a fair price because we truly enjoy doing it. Don't think I'll still be alive when it happens but I can dream.
In Florida they are pulling every trick they can to keep rec off the ballot because all polls show it has 70 to 75 % approval and would pass on a ballot measure. So they change rules after it's too late to fix, discredit signatures when it's too late to get more etc......Current med laws have it all tied up into a complete stream profile now that is being challenged in court. To operate in any part of the business growing, dispensing, delivering have to be in all of it and have all the required permits for each stage making sure small business can't even get their foot in the door.

The fact there is even a med/rec market is stupid. All cannabis is medicinal. All of it.

In Colorado; they recently did a law change that allows rec facilities to sell weed to medical dispensaries. So all that boofy-boof ends up on the same shelf as the person with glaucoma or whatever is looking at.