The New Myth: Corporate Canna can't make money on low price weed


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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The title says it all. And while it's partly true, it's greed on the part of the companies and governments. High taxes and license fees are a part of the problem for sure but not the root of the problem.
Let me ask this, who spends millions to build a 2.76 MILLION square foot modern greenhouse? How much of anything can you produce in a facility like this? Now imagine trying to make money in an op like this with greens or tomatoes. Well, I got news for you, that's exactly what's being grown in such a facility! I'll guarantee you they aren't getting $1400 a pound! MAYBE $1.00/lb more likely $0.75/lb.
Now let's take Whisky. Highly regulated and taxed just like weed. Yet you can buy a quart of top shelf whisky for less than $50 a quart. I see an ounce of canna as comparable and see no justification for current pricing in many states of over $300 an ounce still. I thought part of legalization was to eliminate the black market? Sure as hell no going to at these prices! No we have a rush to legalize beginning as desperate politicians grasp at any source of revenue they can find. Mileage taxes on your car, sales tax on medicine, internet taxes, and of course the golden goose, weed!

So if you live in a legal state, your job is not done. Now that canna is legal, it's time to fight for a fair system, not these over regulated honey traps being passed off as a good thing. Boutique grows and sales formats need to be not only allowed, but encouraged. Limits on corporate access to to markets is very important or we will end up again with 2 or 3 big player who will tell you" You'll get what we give you and like it".

A key element in fighting for a fair market is home grow. Home growing isn't just about saving money for those on a tight budget, it's also about letting the big players know we don't need them and that they best play fair or look elsewhere for their income. It's about keeping our personal genetics out of their hands also. We need a public domain registry for strains that we want to keep out of the hands of those looking to steal rights to strains, as is already happening. Go look up how many strain patents Monsanto already has...........

So activists, dust off your keyboards, remember how to use a smartphone as a ........ telephone! Write your representatives, Join NORML and let's make our passion for cannabis work to better the legal market! Clip that joint and get busy!

Ohh and about tomatoes, here's the story on that almost THREE MILLION square ft greenhouse growing them! And a new just for..........GREENS!

I've no idea on dispensary pricing or secondary market pricing but I do agree that corporate interests unchecked will ruin most things. Legalization is only one step. I cannot believe that the major tobacco companies didn't throw millions into lobbying and large scale growing. The pivot from cigarettes to cannabis should have been relatively easy for them. They had the money and resources to divest a new separate company and jump right in.

They are like the old Sears failure. An analogue for how to ruin a successfull business by not seeing the change in he markets. I am not disappointed to see those old vultures go down. Years of pushing cancer onto people. Just surprised they haven't done more cannabis related business.

Maybe they have and I'm too new to know, always a possibility!
Stop buying from corporations and shop local.
Corporate cares about profit above ALL else.
Rise up people. They tell us we can't change the world. Not as individuals we cant, but as a collective we can achieve anything.
Most are just doing as they are told.. shut up, get out to work, pay tax and please die before you collect your pension!! Which is likely as they keep raising the age!!
The stupid shit is that they spend money to build a big facility and just look around... Empty factories, abandoned buildings. Retrofit and reuse in stead of spending taxpayers money AGAIN to build a facility that they will abandon in 20 yrs. Most abandoned properties they already own or will!